Here is an observation that...well, I've been observing for awhile and am just putting the question out there so myself and I know a few other providers wondering the same thing, would like to know...

"What prompts you to review a provider or not review her?"

I know some hobbyist who are very active but just choose not to review as to eliminate there ever being a "trail" on their activities. On the opposite spectrum, there are those hobbyists who will review all....whether the experience was good or not, for the sake of sharing info with others so they may too either have a great experience or prevent them from wasted time and money. However, the hobbyists Im most curious about are the ones who only post "select" reviews and will not post on all providers that they see...why is that?

Is it b/c a certain provider happens to be their ATF and they choose to exclusivley only review her? Are they embarrassed that they have even seen certain providers? Is is b/c a provider requests a review? Was the time spent with her not worthy of a reviewed being warranted?

Just wondering....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Great question I had to think about for a few minutes.

I typically don't do that many reviews. Generally I will if the session was really bad...or really good. The bad ones I think need to be publicly outed for fake pics, bad locations, poor service/attitude/performance, etc as a warning to others.

If a session is really good i will usually write a review as well. A lady who does provide a great session should receive the deserved recognition and hopefully increased business because of it.

Some reasons why I don't always write a review, even with a good session? Some ladies have a "No Review" policy and I will honor her wishes (unless its a really bad session, then I don't care). Another reason is many times a lady already has pages of great reviews and I can't add much to her database, except to say "me too". Another reason, if there were "performance" issues on my part, or if a lady and I just don't "connect" for whatever reason . No sense slamming a well-known / well-reviewed provider just because something was "off" on that particular day.

I'm single so I don't care about a trail, so no worries there. Some guys will review everyone they see just to keep their BCD privileges free and to build their "credibility" on this and other boards. Some guys I'm sure do no reviews as they want to stay UTR. As far as ATF's, those generally fall into the great session category and I will review them on many sites.

I think its the same reason why some guys feel it necessary to comment in every thread on the entire board. Me, I'm very happy to comment and review....if I have something relevant to say.
TexRich's Avatar
for me there is no real rhyme or reason, sometimes I do but probably more than not I don't always write reviews.
  • npita
  • 01-12-2010, 06:05 PM
I rarely posted reviews because the providers I saw really didn't like the reviews that usually get posted (i.e., the ``Letters to Hustler,'' style that is more self-serving to the reviewer than the provider.) Of the reviews I did post, I only posted them after assuring the providers that I would not post a graphic account of our bcd time. (I consider graphic reviews to be rather crass, so that was not a problem.) I also preferred seeing utr providers when possible, so reviews were not an issue with them. I've never met a provider who said she liked graphic reviews although I'm sure some probably do.
I always do reviews. Providers seem to appreciate getting reviews, and good information on a Provder can help this site as well as the whole Hobby community in my opinion. Now I don't always review Providers who I have seen multiple times, however I always review the first time I see a Provider. Although sometimes I will review her more than once if it is warranted.

I try to do my homework and choose well, because I truly do not want to write a negative review. And negative reviews have been rare for me. But that goes back to doing my homework. And other Hobbyists reviews helps me to do so.

So, Guys, please do a review!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Perfect Omaha, that sums it up well. Do your homework and they wont be a need for many bad reviews. I will also see the same lady many times and multiple reviews would be redundant, unless something very substantial changed.

I try to do my homework and choose well, because I truly do not want to write a negative review. And negative reviews have been rare for me. But that goes back to doing my homework. And other Hobbyists reviews helps me to do so.

So, Guys, please do a review! Originally Posted by omaha2dallas
Nice post O2D. I will reiterate that homework is the key and in order to provide accurate information, I will post a review unless explicitly requested not to by the provider, if she is UTR (which has only happened twice). Most providers are happy to have the review out there and if done correctly provides good information for the hobbyists.

I don't review multiple visits with an ATF as it would be redundant. As for the graphic nature of BCD activities reported, I try to give an accurate account of what transpired and let the reader take it for what they will.

It is all in good, clean, all American fun!
atlcomedy's Avatar
Great question I had to think about for a few minutes.

I typically don't do that many reviews. Generally I will if the session was really bad...or really good. The bad ones I think need to be publicly outed for fake pics, bad locations, poor service/attitude/performance, etc as a warning to others.

If a session is really good i will usually write a review as well. A lady who does provide a great session should receive the deserved recognition and hopefully increased business because of it.

Some reasons why I don't always write a review, even with a good session? Some ladies have a "No Review" policy and I will honor her wishes (unless its a really bad session, then I don't care). Another reason is many times a lady already has pages of great reviews and I can't add much to her database, except to say "me too". Another reason, if there were "performance" issues on my part, or if a lady and I just don't "connect" for whatever reason . No sense slamming a well-known / well-reviewed provider just because something was "off" on that particular day.

I'm single so I don't care about a trail, so no worries there. Some guys will review everyone they see just to keep their BCD privileges free and to build their "credibility" on this and other boards. Some guys I'm sure do no reviews as they want to stay UTR. As far as ATF's, those generally fall into the great session category and I will review them on many sites.

I think its the same reason why some guys feel it necessary to comment in every thread on the entire board. Me, I'm very happy to comment and review....if I have something relevant to say. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
As a disclaimer, I personally don't review publically largely because most of the women I see prefer their privacy - & BCD does little for me as I approach dates with a high degree of YMMV. All I want to avoid are "ripoffs"

That said I think Chaser hit the nail on the head on all fronts. & as you might imagine, I think the rare negative reviews are the ones that are the most valuable to the rest of the community (& the toughest to write b/c there is the implicit acknowledgement that you were taken). I respect a guy writing the 23rd glowing review of "Betty" -- in part so he can get/keep free BCD access -- but it adds little incremental value for the community.
growler's Avatar
A great question Ashley. For a long time, I didn't review anyone. Really felt like I didn't want to share the experience. But as I have continued to hobby,and talked with more ladys(talking, what great forplay) not all but most ladys, want a review at some point. So now I always ask at the end of a date.And then try to gave a balanced account of the experience.
I often draft a review but before I finish I get caught up doing something else and never complete it. I'm more likely to review someone who is relatively unknown, hasn't had a recent review, or had a different experience than the majority of reviews. Doesn't matter if it was a good or bad experience.

I'm less likely to have a "me too!" review for the flavor of the month that has had six reviews posted that same month. Instead I'll simply add some comments to the other reviews.
Chevalier's Avatar
Is is b/c a provider requests a review? Originally Posted by AshleyAshton

Unless the lady is new with very few or no reviews -- and I almost never see such ladies -- a positive review (and I manage to mostly avoid negative experiences) is rarely about sharing information. After all, there's relatively little real information a review CAN provide. Are the pictures/description accurate? Does she provide the advertised services? Any noteworthy issues (professionalism, location, etc.)? Would you recommend? Where can you find additional information (website, etc.)? Just about everything else falls under YMMV or CASG.

If she already has 20 reviews, the 21st -- unless inconsistent with the 20 -- doesn't really add information. The real reason for the review is some combination of:

Qualify reviewer for Premium Access/BCD/VIP (I don't care that much)
Feed the reviewer's ego (either as a great lover, or that everyone is anxiously waiting for one of HIS great reviews; I know better)
Express appreciation to the lady (that can be done privately, even more easily)
Relive the experience (I can do that without expending the time and effort to write and post a review)
Build credibility for the reviewer (I know better)
Entertainment/titillation (not interested, even if I were good at that sort of thing)
As a reminder, helping the lady's business by keeping her name in the public (much like a PR person for a Hollywood star )

Unless I see a newbie lady (very rare), the last reason is likely why I post a review. I still write it as honestly and objectively as I can, but it's essentially publicity rather than information, and I would be deluding myself if I thought differently. But that's still a legitimate purpose, in my opinion.

But between other reviews and other ways to keep her name out there (ads, participation in discussions, etc.), it's not always that useful or even desirable. She may already have as much publicity as she needs or even be over-exposed.

And, if this is a business (and it is), she should take some responsibility for that herself. If she wants the publicity from a new review, ask, rather waiting passively and hoping. That's what other businesses do. If done properly, very few clients will be offended. I don't recall ever turning down such a request.

When I first started at ASPD, I reviewed a lot. But today, I have a better sense of the limitations of reviews. If a lady asks, sure, and sometimes I will even offer. Other than that, I assume it's not worth my time and effort.

[/curmudgeonly rant]
johnnybax's Avatar
More often than not I don't write reviews. The have seen approx. 30 different providers in the past year and a half and have only written 4 or 5 reviews on the different sites I frequent. Typically if it was a really good session I will write one and if it is a terrible session I will write one (however I have only ever had one bad session).
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Great question

When I first started in this hobby (only 6 months ago). I was asked to write a review of a lady I had seen. It was an okay session. I wrote and enjoyed the writing. I was honest and I do give detail in the delivery of services because that is what I want to see in a review. A review that says she did BBBJ means little to me, I want to know how the BBBJ was delivered as that helps me to determine whether or not to see this particular girl.

I do not get caught up in what others think. "I don't like graphic", "Too many reviews on one lady", etc. etc. Those are their issues and I do not fret over them. I write when I am asked and to be honest I am asked quite often and I comply, but not just for the lady. I enjoy writing, I like seeing how many people have read my writing. I write other publishings and usually I get no response on whether I did a good job or not. Here I have recieved PM's and emailed responses to my writing. That helps my writing improve, I like it. I also get a good feeling that others enjoy what is being said. Rarely do I see a lady now that does not request a review. I hope it helps her business, and I think it does or these ladies would not request me to write.

When I started in hobby I did not write at all until that first time I was simply asked in a tactful and pleasant way and I was not asked until all services had been performed.

So, I will continue to write and write in my style. What is great about a board like this is that we can all enjoy each others info no matter what style we write in. Whether a specific person likes it or not.

Just my .02
White Tiger's Avatar
If done properly, reviews take a little thought, so I don't write them unless I have the time to do a good, informative job, and I don't always write a review if the lady didn't make a strong impression on me. Out of respect for all of our provider friends trying to make a living out there, I try to err on the side of writing a good review if possible. I have only posted a two or three bad reviews over the years, and they were usually disasters. If the experience was marginal, I prefer not to file a bad review because it could be really devastating for a provider (and maybe she or I just had a bad day), but will PM hobbyists privately when they ask about the same lady.
Gryphon's Avatar
I usually post a review on my first encounter with a provider, unless she already has multiple recent reviews similar to my experience. If the session was marginal (rare) I'll usually chalk it up to YMMV and refrain from posting negative information. Whether I do a review on a repeat visit depends on the circumstances. If the provider doesn't have many recent reviews or if the session was remarkably good (or bad), I'll do a review to keep her visibility up. This is partly selfish--if her business drops off she's more likely to look for another line of work and I lose out on further opportunities to see her.

As for what goes into the review, I try to give a sense of how the session went and to include the information I would want in deciding whether to see a new lady. Some may find this graphic, but when I read a review I want to be able to tell whether this was a nice time or a WOW! session.