Hey, all,
Here's a question that has bothered me for a while, and I'm just now asking it because of a recent posting by a lady (and no, this question is not related to her specifically - her post just brought it to mind).
For the purpose of this discussion, just so that we can be very frank about it, let's take the whole p4p discussion off the table. Just for now, let's say that I meet an attractive woman, she says she's a tantra expert, and wants to show me what it is all about.
Everytime I see "tantra" advertised, I always get the question in my head of "what is it, and what does it include?". You look at the websites of some of these folks (and no, I didn't look at the most recent lady's, if she has one), and you see stuff like "a spiritual sharing between two individuals" and "a mystical experience of the soul's journey through life". Okay, that is great, but it gives me absolutely no idea of what is included. It tells me quite clearly that it most certainly will NOT be some sort of PSE experience or something like that, and that is fine (although PSE, when done well, is absolutely jaw-dropping).
My question is, if I'm going to be very basic about it - is it self serve after you're all revved up, does intercourse traditionally follow, do I get happy and excited and kicked out when I verge into the sexual? The various descriptions that I have read are so incredibly vague that I really have no idea what to expect. So, if someone on here is in the know, clue a brother in, if you get the chance.