
Had a review 2 days ago that has not been reviewed - usually much quicker. Is there an issue or just a backlog, thanks.
I second that. I posted a review yesterday and still have not been approved for access.
killswitch321's Avatar
Dear mods. I, as well, wrote a review that needs checking. I wrote it two days ago (in studio review) and I may lose my premium if left unchecked.
Namssa's Avatar
killswitch321 when I go through to approve reviews I do a quick look for the basic information. If something is not correct the review will get left until either I have time to contact you for the information or in some cases another mod may reject or possibly approve.
basics must have a date "Early November" is a time frame.
Contact info - we need some way to contact,
Fee we must have something in this and not "usual fee" I would not know what that is.

Once I saw this I moved on and left the review still pending in the que.
PM or email the info if you would like and we can edit it in and approve.