Cover photo of New Yorker is a classic...

Here it is:

The first time I saw it, I was paying more attention to the floppy disk and the crossed-fingers. I didn't notice the Gordon Gecko 1980s cell phone "brick" that Obama is using. Heh. Nice touch.

It appears that there really were only six enrollments the first day and the administration tried to hide that:

Key quote:
HHS has attempted to drum up uncertainty about the figures in the leaked documents. “These appear to be notes, they do not include official enrollment statistics," an HHS spokesperson said in a statement, according to The Washington Post. But while the notes do mention that some insurers didn't get the enrollment forms they were expected to receive, they express no doubts about the specific enrollment numbers presented. Indeed, the notes from the first day's meeting list exactly which insurers have reported successful enrollments.
The more likely explanation here is that Carney and Sebelius simply lied because the enrollment numbers were embarrassingly low.
We are fucked. And not in a good way.
Yea WW thought so yesterday....

but you were to busy accusing us of 150 year old bullshit to notice...LOL
When The New Yorker, straight up calls a dem a liar, you know they are fucked. In this case you are correct, we are too.
chefnerd's Avatar
Reminds me of my early days in IT.
Reminds me of my early days in IT. Originally Posted by chefnerd
They do a good job at what they do. May not agree with their ideology all the time, but they are effective in their subtlety.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How can we forget this New Yorker cover

Yea WW thought so yesterday....

but you were to busy accusing us of 150 year old bullshit to notice...LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You see, there is your problem, hillbilly.

I don't read Whirlaway threads. As soon as I see the ALLCAPS, I move on to an intelligent post.

And it appears most other people don't read Whirlagay either.

The only two posters in that thread are you and Whirlagay - giving each other reach-arounds.
+ 1
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YouBoob doesn't have a fucking clue.

he just cuts and pastes YouTube videos and blows his heroes ... Like Girlyturd and the Idiot brothers. Blows hard!