Well Thanksgiving is almost here and I for one can't wait...turkey and all the fixins , with family and good friends.
My question to you dear reader is "what are you thankful for this year?"
It might sound cliche, but my Success.
I've had a truly blessed year, in my RL business ventures, and my "career".
I've worked very hard and its paying off! Has'nt always been so smooth, at all, but this past year has turned out beautifully, and Im past Thankful for that.
Also I am very Thankful I finally made the move to SA. Ive been saying for years I was going to move here bc Ive always loved it so much here, glad I finally did. Found the perfect house! Can really see myself staying here for a very long time. All of my amazing friends and regulars, new & old, definitely make it all the better Very Thankful for all of that too!