I'm Sure.....

I'm sure I'm about to be banned because Blaze is always being a bitch to me and Crypt takes his fellow mods sides and follows me around on the board issuing me warnings for dumb shit. And well, why should i have to kiss their asses yet they can talk to me any kind of way?? So I'm sure y'all can guess what happened next. But lately, this site is full of people with multiple handles, pimps, pimped girls, mods acting like our parents, where guys can be rude to us ladies, where anyone can get on here and be a fuckin member, and unverified girls have access to the powder room. Hell, why not just invite LE on here??!

Its been an adventure y'all!! Hope you have fun, as much that's allowed, and be safe!

Hope you're happy Blaze, you stupid bitch! You're ass is miserable, bitter, rude and negative ALL the time. I live in a world and work in an industry where I allow NOBODY to talk down to me or patronize me, especially not some burned out hooker. You abuse your powers as a mod, which is apparently how you can talk to other providers as you do. I'm sorry your career is shit, but it's not my fault and gives you no right to treat other ladies like shit. You need to get laid, by a man! Maybe you'll loosen up, but I don't really care.... I have better things to do than argue with your fat ass. Your profile was right on the fact that you make a terrible mod because you like to argue and are a hothead. A mods job is to keep the peace, but you SHOULD already know that....

Peace Eccie!! Muah
Blaze and Crypt i have no idea whay your beef is with Gemma but get over it. We are ADULTS here and not in high school.

If you have issues with her or anyone it should be taken off the board. Gemma is one of the most caring and sweetest providers i have talked with in a long time.

I think the power of being a mod has gone to your heads & you have lost your objectivity, you should both recuse yourself and step down from being moderators. Since you obviously have a personal vendetta against her.

Gemma way to stand your ground against the school yard bully types.

Just my take on the matter & nobody asked or paid for this support.
