Non-review with Adagirl

Date: 11/5/13
Provider: Adagirl
Phone: 281-946-7718
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: ?
Appointment Type: Other
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: HJ by me for me!
Session Length: 15 min
Fee: Free
Hair Length and Color: very short, buzz cut
Age: Mature
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: 5' 11' Stocky, big belly, blue eyes, not gorgeous but not hard to look at!
Recommendation: No
This doesnt sound like Adagirl...
I've seen her many times as have others and I don't see anything resembling this. Sounds like something else happened here. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, she's unbelievable.
Alright! I need to post this to make sure that I add some clarity to my review of Adagirl. She contacted me today after my post and it appears we had a HUGHE misunderstanding, some on both of our parts. I was sure, based on her reviews and reputation there had to be more to the story and there was. I posted as a reaction and appears I was overreacting, but I was pissed. Being the kind and sweet lady that she obviously is, we have communicated and agreed to kiss and make up. SO I want to apologize to her and all of her well deserved fans. We have a tentative meeting scheduled for next week that I am excited about and I'm sure that I will be able to post a review of nothing but positives!
Since nothing took place, this is not a "review". Moved to COED so both parties can comment and removing the 6 weeks PA credit.

cckid2006's Avatar
Did you lie about this?

"5' 11' Stocky, big belly"
Fletchlives's Avatar
Did you lie about this?

"5' 11' Stocky, big belly" Originally Posted by cckid2006
happybanana's Avatar
I believe the description was of himself...

Still Looking's Avatar
I believe the description was of himself...

HB Originally Posted by happybanana
I thinck its most of the guys here! LOL
Hey, I resemble that remark!
She did the same with me. We had an appointment set 1 week in advanced and she even confirmed the night before. Said she would contact me the next morning with directions, no call ever came..... so I called and text but no answer.

I was disappointed till I was able to set something else up on short notice that day. I guess it all worked out in the end.
Great Cornholio's Avatar
Have you learned to wait and see if they contact you before posting?