From Rick Wakeman's review of Keith Emerson's "Pictures of an Exhibitionist"...
"There is no doubt that Keith's apprenticeship prepared him well for stardom. To have worked extensively with Jimi Hendrix (in 1967 The Nice opened for Hendrix at the Marquee in London then toured Britain with him; Hendrix often played with Emerson then) is something to be relished, and relish it he did. As a musician myself, I would have liked to know much more about this particular era, though, as so little has been written about the collaborations between Hendrix and Emerson."
Little IS documented, save for a short 8mm film Jimi had of Emo wrestling with the M-100, dagger all which he ran backwards and forwards and found incredibly amusing. Hendix and Emo both mentioned Keith woking on Axis, which never happened. Damn.
Too much ego to ever have happened, in spite of all the HELP rumours, but I'd have paid money to see that shit, even the soundcheck jams. Holy feedback fuckballs!!