Tiger Woods Pays High Price For Divorce

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I suppose we all knew that it was coming.

Tiger Woods is going to pay a very high price for his divorce despite all his attempts to patch up the broken marriage and his months of sexual-addiction rehab.

Does anyone feel sorry for Tiger? I kind of do. The guy had the world given to him on a silver platter, but he screwed it all up.

Why are some people hell-bent on self-destruction when they have the world on a string?

SlowHand49's Avatar
He's got money out the wazoo -- and he had golf groupies throwing themselves at him every time he turned around . . . What's the surprise?

Who among us could resist such temptation?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I know there must be plenty of temptation for a sports figure with tons of money, but there is also a responsibility when you are in the public eye.

I think that if you know you will have more nookie options than you can handle than you should not get married.

But if you must get married, say, for the sake of a more respectable public image than you must choose a wife who will be more tolerant of your indiscretions.

Tiger's career is on a downward spiral because he became too arrogant and now his ex is going to skin him alive.

I feel sorry for him because his life reads like a Greek Tragedy and it didn't have to happen if he'd been a little smarter.
I feel sorry for him, but he should'da freakin known freakin better. I think this is the best way for either tiger and elen (or whatever her name is). Finally tiger can continue doing what he does best, getting his ball to the hole. I hope with the freedome that he finally earned he would join eccie and share some of his experience in golf and hobbying. Mickelson is number 1!!!
SlowHand49's Avatar

... I feel sorry for him because his life reads like a Greek Tragedy and it didn't have to happen if he'd been a little smarter.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Yeah, there probably was some Greek involved, too . . .
Happy Diver's Avatar
The Greeks had a word for it 2500 years ago--Hubris.
Tragedy? The guy will still be a billionaire, but single. Now that it's official, maybe he can step out and find him a piece then win again.
Tiger will be just fine. His life will be just fine to. Lesson learned for him is that love is being there for better or worse
Do I feel sorry for him? No.

Is it a tragedy? No.

It's the price you pay for gettin' caught...every married hobbyist here needs to take this lesson to heart. No one will feel sorry for him or thinks it is a tragedy.

They WILL feel sorry for the SO & kids. But not you. So get over it.
no way i feel sorry for tiger woods. he knew what he was doing and he did it cause he knew that he could. he just thought he was bigger than the world. time will heal his wounds and he will go back and start to party as he had been doing. he will be just fine.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yeah, there probably was some Greek involved, too . . . Originally Posted by SlowHand49
I think you are, as they say in legal circles, "quoting me out of context"
Craps7's Avatar
They say he gave her 1/5 of his value. That's nothing. Most of the Joe Americans are going to cough up 50% of their net. If they are caught f'ing around the % goes up from there. The $ are relative.

He got off easy and is now a free man to ratchet the wildness to the next level.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I don't Tiger Woods got off anywhere near cheap with this divorce.

Celebrity divorce attorney Raoul Felder remarked on "The Early Show"

"He probably overpaid," Felder said. "I would judge (the amount Woods agreed to hand over at) anywhere from $100 million to almost $500 million."
Tuesday that Woods was in "Desperateville" when he was making deals with Nordegren's lawyers.

When $100 million is on the low estimate and could go up to $500 million than you are talking about some serious money and the emotional toll is only starting to hit home!

The tragedy is this did not have to happen if Tiger had only been more discrete about his affairs.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-24-2010, 09:34 PM
No sympathy here.

He made that bed. Now he gets to lay in it.

They never learn.
TexTushHog's Avatar
As my colleagues in the family law bar say:

Why is divorce cost so much?

Because it's worth it!!