Energy bracelets and necklaces, etc.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Over the past few years, I've seen quite a few people wear bracelets that are supposed to help achy joints, etc. and a few nights ago, a client had on a very nice choker that had titanium chips on it that he said was supposed to help with energy.

For him, it was working.

What do you think of these pieces of jewelry? Do you think that the whole thing is bs? Heck, if I could get some more energy or not have sore shoulders or arms, I'd buy one and wear it.

Just curious as to the thoughts of others.

Snake oil.... but that's just my opinion...

From a pagan POV (because you know we are all into natural earth energy and aura's and the whole everything is connected thing) yes they work, but not in the way you may think.

It doesn't have to be a "specially bought piece" made out of titanium or magnets or copper. It could be made out of rope or fabric or hell even plastic. What is important is your reaction to it. How it makes you feel. What it tells your sub-conscience.

Ok thats kinda immaterial... Umm think of it this way... When you see the color blue, how do you feel? Calm or anxious or energetic? A piece of jewelry that you wear can have the same effect on your sub-conscience as seeing a color or a piece of scenery. It's how the item makes you feel more than what it is made of or how it is marketed.

Some people need the extra guidance so marketers will TELL you that this copper bracelet will cure achy joints. This information is stored in your sub-conscience and therefore when you wear the bracelet your MIND will tell you your joints feel better.

Does this make any sense?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Actually, it does. Perhaps the same thing could be said for a talisman? I've always been rather curious about that as well.

Earthy hugs,
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Snake oil.... but that's just my opinion...

Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
Possibly. Which is why I asked. But for whatever reason, when I look at your avatar, I cannot think of chokers, bracelets or necklaces!

EXACTLY. Personally I'm a fan of "medicine bags", the small pouches that you carry around with you either in your purse or pocket filled with happy thoughts (rose petals, a lucky coin, a pretty stone that you found during a happy day of your life). The items themselves are not "magickal" but they fill me with a certain happiness and calmness when I can focus my thoughts on my bag and think about the items contained inside. The mind is a wonderful thing but sometimes it needs direction, especially considering the effects it can influence on your body. To me, that's a type of magick and energy.

I have a bag I will swear by under my pillow for help with insomnia. It's made of dark blue velveteen which calms me, lavender and chamomile, and grass (from a freshly mowed lawn because I love that smell). When I think of the mental "energy" that these items relate to me, it helps me to go to sleep. May not work for everybody but it works for me :-)

Blessed Be
Prowordsmith's Avatar
LIke the hobby, "It's all just a fantasy!"

If the titanium did what what ot was purported to do, I would be like an Energizer Bunny. I have $17,000 worth of titanium in my right hip and thighbone and it does nothing for me except to allow me to stand upright.
Real or fantasy? it doesn't matter.

Among many other things, I'm a scientist -- and as a scientist, at this point I say it is all bunk. Absolutely nothing to it.

HOWEVER the power of the placebo effect in subjective judgment of experience is well-known.

Therefore, if I call upon my powers of persuasion to convince you that a special necklace that I sell you will positively affect your energy ... there is a VERY high chance that you will subjectively experience higher energy.

Being a practical capitalist, I am not at all above selling people what they want.

Therefore, I have created a special necklace of nickel-plated steel. It has been cryo-treated to line up all the molecules in one direction; and upon it I have placed several very powerful neodymium magnets. This necklace will give you restful sleep, improve your energy, and interact to purify the hemoglobin in your blood and help rid your body of toxins. Because of the expense of such an item, and its obvious value, I usually charge $12,500 for these necklaces. Although it would pinch my wallet quite a bit to part with it at the lower price, for you only, and only if you order today, you can have it for 90% off -- only $1,250.

Therefore, I have created a special necklace of nickel-plated steel. It has been cryo-treated to line up all the molecules in one direction; and upon it I have placed several very powerful neodymium magnets. This necklace will give you restful sleep, improve your energy, and interact to purify the hemoglobin in your blood and help rid your body of toxins. Because of the expense of such an item, and its obvious value, I usually charge $12,500 for these necklaces. Although it would pinch my wallet quite a bit to part with it at the lower price, for you only, and only if you order today, you can have it for 90% off -- only $1,250.

;-) Originally Posted by Laurentius
I assume S&H is extra and runs about $12,000.
Laurentius, you beat me to it! I also believe that these "medicine" trinkets have solely a placebo effect, but that doesn't mean they're not working.

If it works for you, who cares how it works? Whether you are enjoying the benefits of some magical metal or the benefits of the tricksy human brain, the benefits remain. Unfortunately, if you don't think it's going to work, you will indeed be wasting your money. This is why you will never see me wearing anything of this nature.
The sad thing is when a person KNOWS that the placebo effect or one's own sub-conscious is WHY it works.

Cuz then those things DON'T work.

I've purchased different "pain-relief" jewelry in the past, but always with a hopefully pessimistic approach. Of course, they've never worked.

But I do have certain talismans, or good luck charms if you will, that I carry w/me or keep around me at all times and they do help me to feel more optimistic or positive when I look at them or touch them, which makes me forget the pain for at least a short time.
ed_mustafa's Avatar
If the titanium did what what ot was purported to do, I would be like an Energizer Bunny. I have $17,000 worth of titanium in my right hip and thighbone and it does nothing for me except to allow me to stand upright. Originally Posted by Prowordsmith
Somebody who has more Titanium than me! I felt better before the titanium than now...
  • Stag
  • 08-26-2010, 08:07 AM
Therefore, I have created a special necklace of nickel-plated steel. It has been cryo-treated to line up all the molecules in one direction; and upon it I have placed several very powerful neodymium magnets. This necklace will give you restful sleep, improve your energy, and interact to purify the hemoglobin in your blood and help rid your body of toxins. Because of the expense of such an item, and its obvious value, I usually charge $12,500 for these necklaces. Although it would pinch my wallet quite a bit to part with it at the lower price, for you only, and only if you order today, you can have it for 90% off -- only $1,250.
We laugh, but I had a client who had fallen into the evil clutches of a group selling a "wand" and a "pendant" for a mere $400 each (sorry, this being Eccie, I should say "$$$$") that claimed to have invented a way to make each product reach "zero point energy" that would heal anything and everything. They actually used every parlor trick found in this video:

Yep, every parlor trick. Almost in the order shown in the video. And otherwise reasonable, intelligent people were spending thousands of dollars to get a "distributorship" for this crap. Amazing what some people will fall for.
I wore one for a while but never noticed a difference in how I felt. I think that it is a case of if you believe it will will.