The Street Hookers are organizing better than private companions in Phoenix

The Street Hookers are organizing better than private companions in Phoenix

SWOP-Phoenix has gotten lots of good national publicity, articles in the media, raised funds and vocal about claming rights for street workers (with emphasis on transgendered), then any group for private sexworkers. Monica's fight is supported by Arizona Prison Watch, SWOP-Phoenix, SWOP-Tucson and "many more local groups," says SWOP.

Led by some ASU women they organized SWOP-Phoenix and have exceeded their fund raising goals on indiegogo with 60 people making donations as of 11/16/2013. They are doing a further fund raising party on November 22. Monica has a public defender so not sure what funds are for - see last section related to use of funds raised,

This all started with the arrest of transgendered sexwork advocate Monica Jones from the protest against Project Rose last May at Bethany Bible Church. After protesting a sting targeting sex workers in Phoenix, Monica was arrested for "manifestation."

Her "manifestation" it seems, was passing out literature protesting the Project Rose Roundups. As most know this is where they - handcuff you, arrest you, and refuse your request for a lawyer - but be "saved" by Catholic Social Services, since all sexworkers are "victims". So arrest the victim to "save" them. Grants to police and fund raising publicity for the "victim industry." It seems the majority of "saves" are for arrested private consenting adults. The focus of SWOP is on the street workers "right" to be a public nuisance. However, we should be supportive on the manifestation charge which could be more frequently used by Phoenix if they get a conviction in the Monica Jones case.

Supposedly Monica goes to trial next week, however I believe its only the pre-trial or status conference and any actual "trial" could be a long way off.

SWOP at one point claims Monica faces up to six months in prison. However, another place more correctly says 30 days. But since 2nd offense could be 60. And not in "prison" but in jail - probably Tent City.

She is not eligible for Project Rose because she "flunked" a previous indoctrination of Dignity House/Catholic Social Services. "She was told to not come back to that particular program after only a few days because she was very outspoken about how they treated her as a victim and she told the people in charge as well as other individuals in the program that she has the right to her own body."

SWOP says, "If Monica wins her case, this will be a significant victory for all people targeted by anti-prostitution and related laws in Arizona. Her victory will help make it clear to the powers that be that when an activist's rights are under attack that the community will stand up and fight back."

Unfortunately with all the yelling about false arrest, street hooker rights (especially transgendered) little is known about the real legal issues or exactly what the defense will be other than vocal protesting and proclamations of "Stand by Monica in Court" yet there are no details of any actual legal case information. SWOP proclaims the manifestation statute, "violates rights to free speech and is unconstitutionally vague. It gives police permission to profile sex workers."

I agree but you need all sorts of legal moves, motions, etc to help in a case, not just protesting and fund raising which is at least in part to spread the word of the injustice within the community.

Unlike more serious charges in Superior Court as far as I know there is no way to publicly follow a Phoenix municipal court case to even know exact hearing dates/time/courtroom or find copies of motions, minute entries etc like in Superior Court.

While SWOP nationwide has always failed in the many good tries because it is mostly about street hookers, the private adult sexwork community should be supportive as this Phoenix PD "manifestation" charges if won in Court could get expanded in the war on private consenting adult sexwork.

Fund Raising Reasons given:
We need to cover the costs of additional legal research and any additional representation. While we love public defenders, the problem is that in almost all cases (98%), people charged with something in Arizona plead guilty. Monica needs excellent legal information to help her mount a good fight for her to plead NOT GUILTY. (Dave notes if she has a public defender no other attorney will provide additional representation)

We will also use money raised to create fliers and materials and to support outreach to distribute information across Phoenix to inform the communities of people affected by Project Rose and policing (homeless groups, trans communities, sex workers, migrants) of their rights and to build interest in Monica's case. (Dave notes not sure what "rights": they are claiming. To break the prostitution laws? The only way to achieve that "right" is to challenge the vague Arizona prostitution law itself, but good luck as related to street vs private sexwork.)

The perks offered in Monica's Indiegogo campaign come from the community spirit of activism in Phoenix. We will send you personal thanks. We will chalk your name or slogan in front of the court and send you a digital photo of it for your FB page or to print and put up in your cubicle (or where ever it is that you are making the money to donate to us). We are also offering personalized art works and t-shirts created by Monica herself

Other Ways You Can Help (per SWOP)
We know that so many of you out there who would like to support Monica's cause do not have the financial means to make a contribution. We understand, and we know that you need to take care of you and your family first. But you can make a bunch of noise online and at your events about our campaign raising awareness of it and the rights violations that are happening in Arizona every day. Parties and fundraisers are being organized in Phoenix for Monica and we invite you to come. If you are an artist or performer we could use your help pro bono to make our events great. If you can photocopy or print some fliers that would help too.

(Dave notes while this is a odd case of manifestation and related to street work, this is the first time I have seen so much organization and support of Phoenix sexworkers - yet from street advocates not related to private companions/escorts.

More on Nov 22nd Party:
SWOP PHX's event is a sex positive dance party celebrating all sexualities and genders, creating a community of sex workers, and fighting the state's surveillance of transgender and sex worker communities. There will be a potluck, burlesque dancers, trans performers, a kissing booth, ask a sex worker/tell a sex worker your fantasy, a raffle to raise funds for Monica's fight, and dancing. PARTY!