Who watches walking dead???

Ok how many of u are watching? Who else was pissed the whole damn episode was about the governor?
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I did not care for last nights episode at all. But i will still be watching next week. Not really pissed about it being all about the Gov. I just wanted to see Rick have that conversation with Daryl.
Good to see the Governor back imo. Enjoyed the episode and sets up nicely for another showdown. Was growing tired of the sickness story anyway.
Agree sickness story was getting boring, but I also thought I was gonna sew darryls reaction to his woman being gone.... im just glad michon (sp?) Speaks this season and rick isnt hallucinating lol.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
I enjoyed the episode, was wondering when he would reappear. The subplots that will follow should be interesting.
assmansa's Avatar
I wasn't too surprised they went in that direction. To show a bit more of the Governors story. I have read all of the comics and the books so I have a pretty good background about the characters. Just wondering what the rest of the show has in store for his character.
Strictly from a narrative point of view I thought it was the logical thing to do. Especially with the final shot of last week's episode of the Governor. I will admit I have not read any of the comic books but when watching this season I have thought about where the heck is the flippin Governor.

So by showing backstory of what happened to him after his inhumanity at the end of last season and to show the character some depth and maybe just maybe a touch of humanity it brought some intriguing insight which I found quite revealing. He is evil and maybe has a jeckyl and Hyde thing going but I thought it was a wonderful episode. Because in his twisted mind by burning his picture he was letting go of his daughter finally and just as luck would have it possibly a replacement was laid out for him.

As for the Daryl and Rick conversation by making the viewer wait another week just adds to the anticipation. Frankly, I thought an episode like this was necessary after the last few weeks of absolute dread. My half a cent.
papitochulo's Avatar
This season sucks. The only exciting part was watching Carl and Rick take out lots of walkers with the rifles when the fence came down.
e_l traveler's Avatar
I thought it was one of the best episodes for TWD. We all knew the governor would show up again. I just didn't expect done this way.
Ive re watches a few times (loser I know) and episode and the gov are growing on me. Actually glad there is room for muliple story lines and groups now.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
So who do you think is a better leader, Rick or the Govenor?
Precious_b's Avatar
I liked the back story to him.

Didn't believe that he could be like that.

But an interesting divergent.
If the show "sucks" this year because of only one exciting action scene then your entirely missing the point of the show and what makes it so popular. It's a story about people and what they do to each other in a desperate and never ending tragedy. The characters make this show great and there is none better than the Governor. I don't think we have even scratched the surface of his insanity. Should be exciting to see what happens when he returns to the prison, and not in the what a great action sequence way but in the gut wrenching, wholly fuck way.
I agree completely. They are showing up layers when it comes to the Governor. I like a well told show and this season is pretty darn good.

If the show "sucks" this year because of only one exciting action scene then your entirely missing the point of the show and what makes it so popular. It's a story about people and what they do to each other in a desperate and never ending tragedy. The characters make this show great and there is none better than the Governor. I don't think we have even scratched the surface of his insanity. Should be exciting to see what happens when he returns to the prison, and not in the what a great action sequence way but in the gut wrenching, wholly fuck way. Originally Posted by nova0842
flinde's Avatar
Layers? backstory? What the fuck is that? You all starting to sound like Austin fucks. The gov reaching through that zombies throat to rip out its brain stem with his bare hands. Awesome! You watching Romero? Best zombie scene ever. Fuck those zombies up.