Just a "Little Black Dress" reminder!

ck1942's Avatar
Today's happy hour event

"Little Black Dress" theme, but, as all of us know, some ladies look way better in red, blue, white (or "buff" j/k) than black.

So, happy hour commences at 4:30 pm, ends around 8 pm or so. (After parties are separate.)

No cover charge. Inexpensive happy hour drinks and appetizers.

Only well vouched ladies and gents are on the invite list.

And a brief reminder:

San Antonio's
"Naughty but not Nasty"

annual XXXmas extended happy hour
Tuesday, December 10

Please make your reservation early.
Can't make it this time, after all. Damn you, Real World!
cowboy84's Avatar
It's been a while since I went to a social but how can I get an invite?
Guideline 30.

Thank you for the reminding the community CK.

I hope that you ladies and gents have a blast.