This is a perfect coed topic, as this can really initiate a discussion here.
There I was channel surfing the other night, and on a NORMAL cable channel, I believe it could have been A&E, a doumentary was on called "The Perfect Vagina". This is a legit doumentary that was produced in England about women and their obsessions about what their vaginas look like and the things they will do if they dont like it. It was the damndest thing I have ever seen on legit TV. Because I only saw the last half of it I looked it up on line to see why it was made. The original uncensored version is on the internet.
After all these years I had no idea women were so concerned about what their pussies looked like, and that they actually compared them among themselves. Some thought their lips were too big, some too small. Some the opening not enough, some too much. But most thought theirs looked odd.
So ladies and gentlemen, what are your thoughts on the topic??
To watch it, Google "the perfect vagina"