Probably Nuts!

Samcro84's Avatar
I am probably crazy but.

Does anyone have a Tamale Recipe?

Where we buy every year are turning into vegetarian, not very much meat. So got this crazy idea to make my own.
  • gfx
  • 11-24-2013, 04:01 PM
I hope this helps

I like your new avatar super cool travelerman!
guy fawkes's Avatar
Precious_b's Avatar
Oh, you are in for a BIG job!

Thankfully i've friended a Provider that makes her own.
htownsa's Avatar
I can see the ad now... 1hr with 2dozen tamale door prize

I might go for that!
Doglegg's Avatar
HEB is presenting a tamale class at Central Market on Broadway.
Samcro84's Avatar
Thanks Doglegg will check in my city.