Is sex an appropriate reaction for grief?

SgtGonzo's Avatar
Weird topic but..
Had a sad Thanksgiving today. Went to see my grandfather along with my dad today, he was in hospice. No more than 2 min of being there he took his final breath. He went peaceful in his sleep. It wasn't a shock, he was diagnosed with Leukemia two weeks ago and the docs gave him 3-6 months. Early this week they moved it to 3-4 days. He was 86, lived a long full life. Has lots of kids, grand kids, great grand kids. He was at peace and ready for the end. I felt more for my dad than anything.

I know this is a weird topic but, I kinda want company. Part of me wants to honor those that have past is enjoying in life now. Is that a normal thing or should I just be celibate for awhile and let this pass? lol Sorry, like a said weird topic. Haha I just can't exactly post this to my fb friends if you know what I mean. How long after a death is it ok to play again?
My condolences, may he rest in peace.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Im so sorry for your loss.
Please accept my condolences ...its never easy to lose someone you care about.
I would consider it a blessing that you were able to be there with him at the end.

I believe we should always celebrate life,(almost disrespectful NOT to,if you think about it).. it doesn't mean it won't hurt,or that we wont be sad...
just that we are Thankful for every moment God gives us here...and every moment God gave us with the people we love.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
My deepest condolences to you and your family.

Everyone grieves in their own way and in their own time. Receiving affection and the release of emotions through sex is actually pretty comforting. so i don't think its wrong in any way to want company.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar

I believe we should always celebrate life,(almost disrespectful NOT to,if you think about it).. it doesn't mean it won't hurt,or that we wont be sad...
just that we are Thankful for every moment God gives us here...and every moment God gave us with the people we love. Originally Posted by Hottassamelia
I agree 100%
Still Looking's Avatar
Experiencing a loss is a challenging time. It's final and something we can't control. Many of us deal with loss in different ways. It always helps when someone that cares listens. I bet if you have an ATF or two they might be more than willing to lend an ear and still take care of your needs.

Before we became Mongers & Hookers we were and are all humans. You be surprised how many nice ones there are on this board and right here in San Antonio.
First of all, my condolences.

To answer you question, grief is multi-phased and ha no timeline. You may move in / out of the various stages several time.

nerdy123's Avatar
I would say it is a case by case thing. My ex dried up and lost all interest in sex after her sister died, but most people are the opposite.

Sex can very much be a reinforcement of life, a sort of way to express even though others have passed on, we have not. Still alive and fucking as it were. Also, we all use sex as a release, more than one kind usually. I usually use it as a stress release.

There is no right answer when it comes to grief.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Sorry for your loss, your post is very personal, as is your decision, you'll know when the time is right for you.
SgtGonzo's Avatar
Thanks guys.

Hey Hey I don't want to give the wrong impression like Im not in a dark room balling or something over it Quite the opposite. Im actually pretty good. Like the man was at peace and ready for it. I hope my transition is just as well.

All your comments are so serious lol. I mean this is an escort site right, my apologies didn't mean to bring the thread down. Mostly I was looking for a bro make the old man proud and go to town and tear it up! Matter of fact make it doubles. haha

No but really thank you for the condolences.
Doglegg's Avatar

Vet to Vet. Condolences for the loss of your grandfather, and all of the above statements ring quite true.

Not only does each person grieve differently, but also each society.

If you were Irish you would have had a wake to celebrate the person' s life that would have included copious quantities of beer/whiskey and more than likely a bit of drunken sex.

A person seeking warmth/touching/companionship is also natural as Amelia, Ur_Mom, and SL so eloquently stated.

It doesn't matter that this is a board dedicated to pay for play (fun as you stated) because it also is a board of individuals that come together when one of our own is hurting.

There is a song called "The Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel that says something about the "whores on seventh ave and there were times I sought some comfort there" that makes perfect sense even in your situation.

Live as though you are alive and celebrate life as you need and want.

Amelia, you rock.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Im very sorry for your loss.

Kelli Ann
Precious_b's Avatar
Glad he had a long full life.
And that you are handling it well.

Gonzo, the question you ask is how I got into the Hobby. And I felt the same way as you. But all the Providers that I told this to, and how I thought it made me different or seemed uncomfortable feeling it, said they saw nothing at all wrong with it.

And I thank the one Lady in the past that helped me out of that depression I had. Also the current one that keeps my mind from going back to that place.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I am sorry for your loss. We all grieve differently. I say live it up. As you well know, our time here is fleeting.
ck1942's Avatar
We are coming into that time of year "Family Holidays" in which sometimes sad events have happened.

Always gives me pause -- anniversaries of deaths, but more so during holidays.

imo, one of the better ways to dealing with that is always remembering the good times, and recalling, too, those kind deeds done by the dearly departed.

Perhaps a shot of Irish is in my near future?