DD, I see your argument. Other industries and companies have overestimated their value to the consumer and are long gone. It is not stealing if it is available for free.
Our choices are greater than ever and we should enjoy it while it lasts.
It's not really free since we have to deal with ads, popups and viruses. Ask Blockbuster how important they feel right now. They had their way with the consumer for years, now they can lean over and kiss their own ass goodbye.
Originally Posted by vitokc
Vito I see your point, but the process involved in putting the product on the internet is illegal. I have no problem with people legally downloading material, but the materials your getting from the tube sites are illegally obtained. Believe me of all the people on this board I know full well how nice it is to get something for free. But it is short sighted thinking. The people making porn are doing so for the money, when they are no longer making money they will close up and disappear. While you might think thats its not possible for the producers of porn to disappear, but you are very wrong, several mid level production houses folded last year, 3 of the largest, West Coast Products, evil Angel and Elegant Angel are on the verge. Where are you going to down load from when they are gone, more importantly where are all of the people involved in the adult industry going to go to work at. People talk about the jobs that are going overseas, what about the jobs being lost to technology, jobs which are not changed by eliminated. We are quickly reaching a critical mass where there are more people than jobs, can we as a country survive with a permanent 15% unemployment rate. I am not just talking like this because two of the businesses in the portfolio are in the adult industry, to be honest I have lost more positions and income from my Oak Cabinet company and my custom counter top businesses. Hell I am not worried about me, and I know this is really a small thing, but it does have a dramatic impact of peoples lives. Besides, I can always go back to stealing Allie tv

. By the way, when I called you guys a theif was aimed at the act not the persons involved.