1. Your Gay It reflects your inner most desires to be Butt Fucked
2. Your Ugly Attacking ones unfixable body traits reflects your own insecurities
3. Uhh Uhhh Snappy comebacks can be more creative
4. Your Momma Moms do not do any of you and no one here did anyones mom
5. Butt Buddies It is a term of endearment for you gay Friends and your desire to be one of them.
6. Gaymo Not sure this is a word, but can be used with Butt Buddies
7. Fat Who Cares really, Signifies you got NOTHING else
8. Old Most have a Bald complex and often go along with Fat.. so Combine those two.
9. Lame Suggests a lame horse or Crippled, I dont think anyone here is Crippled or hung like a horse.
10. FUCK This suggests you want to do them
11. Fuckers Suggests they actually have sex with others.
12. Stalking Suggests someone likes you or hates you and it is probably you just annoy them.
Now be creative and FIGHT nice!!