Clarification and a different perspective on my screening

Victoriajolie's Avatar
Clarification and different perspective on my screening
When I start touring the south years ago upon a gent recommendation that was then a moderator many Texas gents were worried about the fact that I was requesting id when they were p411..Very common practice north it seem to be different here.

That person reassured several gents that has seem me numerous time to this day.

I don't expect everyone to be comfortable with my screening however I am very forward about it to avoid any type of confusion.And expect honesty in return or moving on to the next lady if not comfortable or agree with.

As some of you may have realize I am from Canada...Consequences of any laws problems would be to be banned from USA and some other countries would decline me access because I was banned from Us

While Southern gents are very lovely..I have no interest in stalking any of you..neither than blackmail any of you..neither than send you love mail or hate mail
Let's face it..Been successfully in this business for several years..That would stain my reputation..I have a good long track of records on TER..actually too long for some gents lol,on the aspd,bigdoggie,tuna,canadian review boards,Uk board,France board.

Like you when I met for the first time I am always very apprehensive or and nervous..if someone has lied to me or act in a creepy will make me even more nervous and not comfortable doing the rendez vous

I am vulnerable and ,in states I am not familiar

I think several gents in Texas and elsewhere can attest that I don't analyze ID i just want to verify it fit what has been said to me...First step to trusting someone
I've been laugh at for not seeing it was someone birthday or age.

If someone purposely lie and in person hide things on his id make you questions and be uncomfortable...let's face it..would you be comfortable sharing some intimacy with a girl that soon you seat next to her she grab her purse and and hold it like you are robber?

Last I can say that in several trips I have done to New Orleans I only had issue with two guys one for :scheduling and not agreeing on what happened and an other which lie and creeped me out at the door..which I have moved on.
Gosh all others were so polite nice..So thank you to Baton Rouge and surrounding gents and Nola for making a such wonderful long week end of USA thanksgiving enjoyable for me
A big thank you!

Victoria Jolie
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
I have heard of ladies doing this. My question to you is are you willing to show the gentleman your ID as well?

If not..... Why?
Zane D. Grayson's Avatar
I saw Victoria recently when she visited Houston.... I wrote a nice review for y'all to read... Check it out! On the topic of ID verification, it was pretty simple. I gave her my name during our pm exchanges thru P411. She requested to see my ID for name verification. Not something I do often but no biggie. Some girls make you go thru a little more verifications than others. I did my homework. She seemed more than legit and well worth the small inconvenience. Upon arrival, I tried to hand her my ID and she didn't even take it out of my hands. There was a quick glance and then on with what ended up being a fun night!

How fun? You know where to look.... Hope you have ROS access... Y'all have a good night! I'm NOLA bound on Friday, baby!
Marshpirate's Avatar
C'est ce que vous faites, mon amour. Veuillez ne pas autoriser quelques pommes pourries pour vous tenir éloigné. Je suis désolé, je vous ai raté cette fois. J'espère que nos chemins se croisent bientôt. Coffre-fort se déplace.
Mojojo's Avatar
Normally i'm not a fan of showing my id to any provider however each situation is different. On my first encounter with Victoria years back I made an exception to go outside my comfort zone after a brief discussion with her. She politely explained to me that it was more for comfort which is understandable regarding her situation. My initial thought was wtf however I did my research on her, checked out her postings and noticed there was never any drama associated with her so that made me feel comfortable about it.

Since then I've seen Victoria on numerous occasions each time without incident, hell i've even recommended her to some good friends and they too have never had a problem with her methods! In fact they've all had a great time with her!
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
After rereading my post I sound like a dick and that was not my intention. I was just curious is all. Like I said I have seen women ask for this before but never asked one if they would do that in return.
You sound like a sweetheart Victoria, but I think, and just my opinion, that you are putting too much security in the ID requirement. Anyone can have them made, and unless you can verify it to be a true ID, then its worthless in your screening method.

Just hope you have other methods, this seems like a false perception of safety. Stay safe in your travels.
gimme_that's Avatar
I think its a false sense of security as well. Especially if the guy has references, that crap is overkill. Would be better served for your potential clients to take a picture of their whole id and send a copy to you. Network with the right providers who can track drivers license numbers through cop friends, do a google search on popular mugshots websites, and google image his address......for you safety lol......according to p411.....the only parts you will need are his first name, birthdate, and four digit from a card in his wallet. If you asked to check my id id have all other info ducked taped over.

I feel like checking my id at that point where you have screened me, I've confirmed and arrived on time, booked my own room for an outcall, ...its highly unnecessary. Kinda like taking your donation rate.......and holding every 20 dollar bill to the lamp light to check for ink marks. Its annoying at that point.

But I can't fault you much. With ladies who don't have reviews or rep....or advertise strickly on BP....when I book a session......they aren't even allowed to reach for the money on the nightstand until after the session is done. Some ladies will walk and feel some kinda way about that stance........most will abide by it and just deal with it. Your clients have a choice.
True Gimme.....

I recently referred a guy that I have known for at least 4 years to a utr friend. She said he was scary, rough, and made her very uncomfortable and felt unsafe with him. That NEVER happened with me. This is why I usually would not give a reference or accept them. People are unpredictable. For this reason, I do screen and I do want to know who I am alone in the room with. Knock on wood, never had this issue, but that isnt to say with me kinda jumping back in that it wont happen. Follow the gut...always. And it doesnt hurt to have some self defense training in your pocket, or even pack a lil heat...
gimme_that's Avatar
even pack a lil heat... Originally Posted by chellachella
Suddenly turns her screening miscue misdeameanor into a felony........

If she's bringing a gun to come and see me.......due to rather she just not invite me or come to the outcall.

Shame on me too if I'm seeing a lady I have to carry a concealed weapon for......that's definitely the wrong chick to see.........

She reaches for her lube in her purse and accidentally has a discharge from her weapon in the hotel room.

Well how about this.....let's say the guy arrives at your incall. He goes to take a shower and seems trusting enough with you to leave his few personal effects and coat on the couch in your hotel room. You decide to rummage through his things as he showers.........maybe play it off a lil by hanging up his work clothes in good faith and find a you continue with the appointment or haul ass..............
sharkman29's Avatar
I have seen Victoria many times in the past and even gone skiing with her way up in Vancouver and she has always been a lovely companion. She did ask to see my ID on the first visit with her and she looked at if for all of about 2 seconds and that was that. I was a little nervous the first time with having to show it, but it ended up being so very painless and the rewards were more than worth it!
what happens if after checking the ID you find out its not the guy and he has a gun to your head? what good did that do in that instance? or, if he plans to rob you. what good does it do if the id is not him? just curious. not questioning how you do things at all. i know p411 says you gals should do this to make sure the guy showing up is the member you screened, but what if he is not and has you pinned to the wall?

to the one who asked why providers don't show us their ID, because we are going to them for a service not the other way around. when my doctor asks me for id to treat me, i show it or go to the free clinic wth all the other rejects and get shitty care. you either up the info the provider wants or go see someone who does not care about her life.
giantbourbon's Avatar
Actually p411 encourages providers to check clients' ids to verify that the first name, birthdate and last numbers on the ID match their p411 id. They recommend that guys cover everything else up with tape. So it really doesn't seem all that unreasonable to me.
pornodave69's Avatar
Actually p411 encourages providers to check clients' ids to verify that the first name, birthdate and last numbers on the ID match their p411 id. They recommend that guys cover everything else up with tape. So it really doesn't seem all that unreasonable to me. Originally Posted by giantbourbon
Exactly. If she wants more than that information from a P411 member I'd say that's a bit much and unnecessary. For non-members she's free to ask for whatever she wants but hopefully guys are made aware of this BEFORE they schedule and show up for an appointment.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
I think some of my clarification got lost
I do screen..I have several ways to do..I was referring to p411 members
I am up front on my p411. Ads about my requirement and all along the process of booking ..The person choose or not to visit me I don't force anyone..and would like the same in return.When someone show up knowing that he gave me a fake name and know that I request Id..isn't respecting my choice
I don't tell other ladies how to screen ;each individual can do what they want.

As for taping ID or hiding info on your ID never heard or encounter anyone to the exception of one..which look suspicious as if it's the same individual than the one that contact you on p411 especially with different name.P411 May do That suggestion doesn't mean we have to accept it
I've been a member with them since 07
When you go to liquor store do you tape your ID?
When you buy cigarette ?When you buy an item by credit card at the store
You don't know the cashier ...Does it cross your mind that she may like you and memorize your address etc absurd no? Yet some identity has been stole or cc duplicate
You assume that the store know their employees and that they will be professional even though you don't know anything about the person
I've been a companion since 04.. You can google many reviews about me

When someone act suspicious in general customs border,stores will pay more attention to you

I'm all for Vivre et laisser vivre my tour was a lot of fun and met some wonderful people
Thank you!