Im going to rant...
I was watching a program tonight on sex trafficking, and they said that 95% of women in this are on drugs, and weak, uneducated, disease ridden, and just pity cases in so many words.
And they say that the men are all dangerous and prey on us women.
Wow, WTF....and one prior provider gave info about a "secret underground" group of people, which I am guessing is the P411 site, as if nobody knows.
Maybe the "95% " is true for street walker, or pimp level hooking. But I have met a lot of women and only encountered a small percentage to be on drugs or totally insane.
I know who and what I am, what I have done, and do, and I own it. Am I on drugs? No, barely even drink anymore. Was I a sex abuse victim? No. Uneducated? Nope--have the student loan debt to prove it. Am I Crazy? Some could argue it and say yes, at times, HELL YES, but seriously...
The majority of women on here have it together, are smart business women, and maintain a healthy life.
I am so tired of the stereotype and the assumptions of why we all engage in this. I would love for them to do a real show on the hobby, but I know our need for anonymity is more great than that of the lower end of the biz. But it would be nice to not be demonized by society. In my opinion, this is no different than a woman staying in a marriage just for the house, money, cars, jewelry, etc.
Some people just suck ass!
End of rant....
The streetwalkers are the only sex workers that exist in the minds of most of the general public. They can't comprehend the existence of sober and lucid women who will make a fair deal with a man.
I am not sure I would even put this hobby (how we share info & are mostly nice to each other) in the same category as sex trafficking. I would think of our group of folks more in line with the legal brothels in Nevada. I have yet to see anyone on here that was wanting to be with someone on drugs or being a pitty case. But that's just my .02 cents to your vent
Oh I know, but they are grouping "us" with them. They mentioned underground sites that included independents. A former independent who had never been trafficked was on talking about how horrible it is and led her into drugs. She was late 20's when she started, old enough to make this choice, far from being a victim. Her excuse was that she was left by her husband. WTF, then go work 2 or 3 jobs. But dont say now that your a victim of the hobby. Maybe a victim of her own circumstance, but its not like she was in teen years and coerced or forced. The cops are all looking for accolades, attaboy, and a pat on the back. They need to spend less time on adults, and more on actual predators, hobby or non hobby/
Well said Chellachella. You should check out SWOP-NOLA they are doing a lot of work towards changing the negative stereotype.
OH MY GOD! When I was in my 20's I went to Hollywood to be a rock star and got into drugs! They should do something about Hollywood!
All sarcasm aside, the whole "sex trafficking" thing is bogus. You hear this idiot celebrity or that equally foolish politician spouting statistics about the number of women/girls who are being forced to fuck against their will. I dare anybody to find those stats from a federal or state government agency, or even an independent source with verified sources.
Does it happen? Of course. Are half a million women in the US "sex trafficked?" NO.
It's all conjecture to demonize others in our puritanical society and to drive our attention from what is really going on, namely the theft of our wealth and liberty in hopes that a few corporations might possibly employ more chumps for minimum wage part time.
Hey, we can give video games to kids all day long where they simply steal and murder for hours on end but sex as a business transaction is bad? How hypocritical can our society be?
Pretty hypocritical.
Find those stats the talking heads blather on about. Seriously. They are not there. Check out the FBI. Tons of scary words. Not one scientific stat. Not one stat at all, actually. This is the best you can find on
Although comprehensive research to document the number of children engaged in prostitution in the United States is lacking, an estimated 293,000 American youths currently are at risk of becoming victims of commercial sexual exploitation.
Hm. No research but BOO! We gots scary numbers! That says all you need to know about this "sex trafficking epidemic." It's propaganda to distract you.
There. How was that rant, chellachella?
This is what I am talking about, and WE, independent adults who are not lower class are grouped together with all that bullshit. So am I a trafficker when an independent asks me to screen for her? They would probably try to label me as a pimp or madame...
My ass NEVER made enough from it to even come close to what they make. I never wanted that risk, just in case some over zealous cop looking for a promotion decided to come after me. It is why I never text, and while some say I am too discrete and not enough info, etc. This is the reason why.
Totally agree. For example the recent raids in Port Allen AMP's The reason given? SEX TRAFFICING. Really? They got a 70 year old and what, a 40 and a 50? OMG.
Really? Where are the dozens of girls chained up?
The girls who make your sneakers are in bad shape. But we still buy the sneakers.....
Sad truth is - the truth doesn't make headlines or get "federal funding". Its the same thing w/ everything the Government "measures".
I'm against drunk driving, but if you are drunk, stopped at a red light and get rear ended - they put that down as "alcohol related". Really.
If we were not so afraid of the TRUTH we could actually make a difference where IT MATTERED.