Anyone seen the new Oldboy yet?

SgtGonzo's Avatar
So I was with one of my ladies of the night and when she's not getting off by making me choke her, we talk movies.

Was telling her about the movie OldBoy, the original mind you, not the new remake by Spike Lee with Josh Brolin. It came out in 2003..2005 it was a Korean film. Its on Netflix I know that just not sure if its the subtitled one or dubbed version. Anyways explaining the story, guy is kidnapped, then imprisoned in a room for 15 years (new one its 20yrs). All he has is a tv. One day he's released and given like 5 days to find out who imprisoned him and why. Meets a girl along the way that helps him, best fight scenes in a movie. Its really a cult classic, the reason being is the ending. Its one of those endings you have to see to believe I think. If you've seen it don't give it away!

I haven't had the chance to go see the new one. Mainly I want to go to see if it holds up to the original. Trailer looks good but, I heard Lee changed the ending. Make it more American friendly. I hope its not true because that ending is what made the movie. Just wondering if anyone has seen it.
Doglegg's Avatar
It is subtitled, but depending on your Netflix interface (AppleTV old fart I know) you have to turn the subtitles on.

There were two more films loosely related to Old Boy (you have to be Korean to understand how).

One is Lady Vengeance but I cannot remember the other name. Search on the director and it will come up.

If you want to watch a killer series catch Killer Girl K, also on netflix. A remake of Femme Nikita.

The lead is also one of Korea's famous song and dance ya ya girls. Freakin excellent.

I have really gotten into Korean movies/series in a big way.

Hope you enjoy it.

guy fawkes's Avatar
Anyone seen the new Oldboy yet?
Not as good as the original but it is a good flick to check out. 8/10
SgtGonzo's Avatar
Is the ending the same or different?
Doglegg's Avatar
:-) Originally Posted by thatgirlbailey

Was that for Old Boy, or the series Killer Girl K, the fact that she is HOTTTTTT!, or that you also like Korean movies/series???

I really can imagine you in a loose t-shirt, a glass of wine, and stroking your kitty while watching hot Korean chicks Bailey.

By the way guys, she doesn't own a cat.

Dog I love your imagery! I truly do! He is right I do not have any cats. I do in fact a kitty though and she if my favorite pet of all.

I was smiling at gonzo lol and his first sentence in his post.....have absolutely not idea who that lady could be
htownsa's Avatar
Mad Detective is still one of my favorites.
I'm fine with the original Korean version... Hollywood's messed up too many asian movies for me to care about the oldboy remake.
SgtGonzo's Avatar
Yup I can confirm Bailey doesn't have a kitty anymore… I ate that fucker.
Doglegg's Avatar
You and ALF man, you and ALF.
guy fawkes's Avatar