Providers.....please remember the 4 W's

Bababoeuy's Avatar
So often when I am looking at provider ads in the various cities section or the Weekend Lineup I find just a lot of confusion. Many ladies DO a great job of letting us know the 4 W's (Who, What, When, and Where) But many do not.
Who is available?
What are the services available?
When are you available?
Where are you? Metairie, Kenner, FQ, CBD, East NO....that does make a difference

The MOST important is the WHEN are you available....If I have to try and guess I am quickly moving on to the next ad. 'When' means what are the dates and what are your hours.
I passed on 2 provider ads tonight because I had no idea if their ad meant tonight, tomorrow or yesterday. Make it easier to figure this out and you may get more calls.
Wow, you make so much sense!! I always try to be precise in my ads to let people know that I am in Mid- Cities area of NOLA, and my availability.

I wish more people thought like you do.

Thanks again,
Melissa Madyson
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Yes, Melissa is great in informing us.
ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
I have found some ads (mostly BP) very vague. This is one more reason I try to stay away from them.
DallasRain's Avatar
great post!

I try to include the times period that I am available whern posting dates in ads & on my webpage

confusion is one of the worst enemy factors for a guy just trying to get him sum!
Thanks Bababoeuy, for the inspiration!
Lacey Amour's Avatar
Well I do this because if I post an ad in Nola I get 1 response and 5 in BR. So I'm generally trying to feel out which city won't be a waste of time. Although I understand where it would cause confusion.
Baba come to lafayette .
there wont be any confusion
Ohhh, I wasn't aware that posting availability made a difference!! Thanks for the info
gimme_that's Avatar
What are the services available? Originally Posted by Bababoeuy
They can't put this type of stuff in their ad. Maybe "GFE" but even that's subjective sometimes. The review links would help.
ESwho'snext?'s Avatar
They can't put this type of stuff in their ad. Maybe "GFE" but even that's subjective sometimes. The review links would help. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I would suggest a link to their P411 to see the "menu". As long as they have it listed there. Just my thoughts.
myprototype's Avatar
great post!
confusion is one of the worst enemy factors for a guy just trying to get him sum! Originally Posted by DallasRain
agree with you dallas