It is known to all that Every woman fakes every now and then but truly how often do providers really fake it? While watching the new Showtime series Masters of sex I heard a true question and statement asked and answered. Why do women fake orgasm's? Answer(s); to make the man cum faster. or to get back to doing whatever it is she would rather be doing. That made me wonder, how many providers actually fake it? I know in some or most cases providers have a routine and trust me if you see the same provider more than a few times you will pick up on the routine if there is one. Faking it to get the session over and done because lets be honest men love feeling like we did something and when we feel like we pleasured a woman its over for us. I have even faked it just to get it over lol.
I figure all the providers fake it majority of the time unless they are either really into the person or they really and I mean really enjoy having sex. I would love to know "and I can only speak for myself" what helps a provider "besides money" reach that Orgasm.