Are your hobbying funds a bit less this month due to holiday obligations/costs?
Does the cost of the holidays use up all of your discretionary funds?
( I know it does mine... )
Do you find that some ladies are offering more specials or are more willing to "negotiate" rates this time of year?
( I know, I know, "Negotiate" is not a subject I'm supposed to bring up......)
The reason I ask is because I was recently informed by a "gentleman" that I should adjust my rates for the holidays since "Everyone else is doing it" and "it makes good business sense to offer holiday discounts"

Sorry, had to once again have a good laugh at that.........
I've never been one to do what everyone else is doing.....And I'm not WalMart so no free shipping. lol
So gents,
What say you?
Is there a "Black Friday" of sorts on the boards?
I know you guys look for a bargain no matter what you're purchasing, but is there a seasonal fluctuation of rates I'm not aware of?