A carefully crafted oddity about the Centennial shooter

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

So NBC has latched on the to the "fact" that the shooter was politically "opinionated". Wow! Only problem is what does this have to do with the shooting? NBC doesn't even try to make a case. It could have been religion, money, or very personal. Because he was politically opinionated then that must be the reason. Notice in the article that NO ONE says what his political opinion is. NBC wants us to jump to the conclusion that it must be he is a republican but they don't say that. That missing piece suggests that his politics are not republican and that is a problem. Of course we still don't even know (other than the implied knowledge from NBC) what the politics are. So I guess NBC will go off chasing the snipe again rather than get to the truth.
I am glad you have finally put up a true avatar of yourself showing you have something stuck up your ass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Pretty weak opening shot. Guess you agree with my statement.

By the way...this is a picture of you toasting someone at last years Christmas party. You were pretty out of it so I guess you don't remember.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-14-2013, 10:57 AM
JD is always trying to turn his dumbass shitty points into wine!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
just kidding. ABC does reveal that a shotgun was used and that this was personal. They also include someone saying that the shooter was moving "military style"? Someone care to explain what that is and how it differs from say....police style, or John Belushi style (Animal House). The mainstream media...still trying to craft their story.
Look like the shooter was a Liberal...


Arapahoe High gunman held strong political beliefs, classmates said
By Zahira Torres and Yesenia Robles
The Denver Post

The teenage gunman who entered Arapahoe High School on Friday afternoon and shot two fellow students with a shotgun was outspoken about politics, was a gifted debater and might have been bullied for his beliefs, according to students who knew him.

Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson identified the gunman as Karl Pierson, an 18-year-old student.

"He had very strong beliefs about gun laws and stuff," said junior Abbey Skoda, who was in a class with Pierson during her freshman year. "I also heard he was bullied a lot."

Robinson said that his department was investigating reports that Pierson was seeking to settle a score with a teacher after a confrontation.

Karl Pierson
Karl Pierson (via Karl Pierson's facebook profile)
Even before authorities named the gunman, friends and neighbors were in shock as word spread that Pierson was a dedicated, bright student from a religious family that attends Bible study meetings.

"They're just a normal middle-class family, like many of the families around here," said neighbor Diane Shea.

On Friday night, neighbors huddled in the quiet Highlands Ranch neighborhood adorned with holiday lights to console one another.

Neighbors and students remembered Pierson as a track athlete and a member of the Arapahoe speech-and-debate team whose mother worked for the Douglas County School District.

In April, Pierson placed third in national extemporaneous speaking at the National Qualifying Tournament held at Cherry Creek High School, earning him a spot in the national tournament in June.

After the June competition, he wrote on Facebook: "Hey guys! I just got back from day 2 of nationals and I'm sorry to say I am not moving on, nor am I in the top 60 in the country. Thank you from everyone for your support, and have a great rest of the summer and hope we can send some more guys to nationals in Kansas next year!"

Jo VanDeWege, who has lived across the street from the family for five years, described Pierson's mother as outgoing and said the family was "very nice, very kind."

Pierson's parents divorced in late 2011, according to court records. The divorce was finalized in August 2012.

Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with Pierson, described him as very opinionated.

"He was exuberant, I guess," Conrad said. "A lot of people picked on him, but it didn't seem to bother him."

In one Facebook post, Pierson attacks the philosophies of economist Adam Smith, who through his invisible-hand theory pushed the notion that the free market was self-regulating. In another post, he describes himself as "Keynesian."

"I was wondering to all the neoclassicals and neoliberals, why isn't the market correcting itself?" he wrote. "If the invisible hand is so strong, shouldn't it be able to overpower regulations?"

Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing "you republicans are so cute" and posting an image that reads: "The Republican Party: Health Care: Let 'em Die, Climate Change: Let 'em Die, Gun Violence: Let 'em Die, Women's Rights: Let 'em Die, More War: Let 'em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?"

Carl Schmidt and Brendon Mendelson, both seniors at Arapahoe High, knew Pierson. They said he had political views that were "outside the mainstream," but they did not elaborate.

Schmidt said the shooter "was an outspoken kid about what he believed and a good political thinker."

Mendelson added, "He did have a lot of friends. He was popular with the people he knew."

Staff writers Sadie Gurman, Kevin Simpson and Kurtis Lee contributed to this story.

Read more: Arapahoe High gunman held strong political beliefs, classmates said - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_24...#ixzz2nTqoS7xU
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NBC ABC which one? Liberals don't have guns whiffy. Remember.
NBC ABC which one? Liberals don't have guns whiffy. Remember. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Nice Obama avatar, CHIMPY.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-14-2013, 02:54 PM
The kid got kicked off the debate team and tried solving the problem with a shotgun....sounds like a strong debater to me!
NBC ABC which one? Liberals don't have guns whiffy. Remember. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
BigLouie's Avatar
When these messed up kids do the murder - suicide thing they really need to change the order of events around.
Poor whiffy the wizard was out of brains when he and the tin man got to the emerald city.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
NBC ABC which one? Liberals don't have guns whiffy. Remember. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Gabrielle Giffords, Ted Kennedy, Carl Rowan, Diane Feinstein, Bloomberg.....all of these people are liberals and protected by or own guns. B-bye Eva, thanks for playing.

I also have a feeling that those classmated did expound on his beliefs but the mainstream media doesn't want to report that. How does it make you feel that they are self censuring the news in order to push an agenda?
I B Hankering's Avatar
*The shooter used a shotgun, just like Ol' Joe suggested.*
Gabrielle Giffords, Ted Kennedy, Carl Rowan, Diane Feinstein, Bloomberg.....all of these people are liberals and protected by or own guns. B-bye Eva, thanks for playing.

I also have a feeling that those classmated did expound on his beliefs but the mainstream media doesn't want to report that. How does it make you feel that they are self censuring the news in order to push an agenda? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Poor JD one of the ones always bitching about liberals taking his guns away. Empty the trash cans JD.