What does it mean?

Ok. I have noticed that in alot of ladies pics they have their right hand on their hip and their index finger touches the tip of their thumb making a circle. We use to do this in a drinking game during my college days but does this mean anything in the hobby world?
If they catch you looking at it, they get to punch you in the arm. Two punches if you flinch.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
It's been dubbed as '666' among the famous that sport that hand gesture with the circle over their eye.
If they catch you looking at it, they get to punch you in the arm. Two punches if you flinch. Originally Posted by submariner

Unless you stuck your finger through it before they caught you looking. Then, you get to punch them.
Bungalow Bill's Avatar
I think it's provider speak for you're a jerkoff!

Just Kidding
There's always one guy who thinks they are funny but then...... they are not.
I've never noticed it. It's on their showcase pics?
3daygetaway's Avatar
The first rule of fight club is...
Lone wanderer's Avatar
Smh. Kids today. Lol. With their silly games that are not really new. I still play this game with my friends. If you look at the circle u get punched. If u break the circle they get punched in the arm. 2 if they flinch. But, here is the difference u have to have the circle BELOW the shoulder. If its over the shoulder, then u punch the would be perpetrator. One time, my buddy did this game on a Austin cop. The cop, he was cool about it, he said: U got me. And the cop leans his arm towards my buddy so he can punch him. My friend said: i'll pass, I don't want this to look as I'm hitting an officer.
Bungalow Bill's Avatar
There's always one guy who thinks they are funny but then...... they are not. Originally Posted by stevejones1969
Hahaha I'm the only one who gave you a hobby related answer!
lol! i played that game
The best providers play the scrots game. Wait...

mrhamm's Avatar
fun2come's Avatar
From the pics posted, except the last one it could simply mean: I am seeing you.
Sometimes it simply means: You better see me...
Or: Did you see THAT?

Two hands over both eyes, means either: I need (reading or sun) glasses.

But then again I did not participate in all college fun back then in the days...