
Gentlemen: I cannot stress enough the importance of giving RECENT and RELIABLE references OR the convenience of using DATECHECK or P411. This makes our job a whole lot easier! If I have to email you back and fourth 10 or more times to get reference information from you I will probably skip you over and see a client who has it together. I have never been so frustrated as I am right now in planning this Buffalo trip.

Ladies: If you value references from other people you might want to take the time to answer when someone asks YOU for a reference. I know I spend a great deal of my day answering reference checks from other providers. I always get to you ladies promptly. It is a system, and it does not work if there is a missing link. And lastly, is it so hard to say THANKS????? I answer a whole lot of references inquiries and hardly ever get a Thank you. That annoys me to no end, especially when I am doing you a favor.

Just something to think about......
and guys, we check em....
oh and if we only had email contact back in the summer of 1969........ NO, you're not getting a reference from me!!!!!!!!
hahaha lol
Gentlemen: I cannot stress enough the importance of giving RECENT and RELIABLE references OR the convenience of using DATECHECK or P411. Originally Posted by SexyGabrielle
It's a shame that P411 costs $69 a year after the initial six month period, that could be a very nice tool for the women to cut back on their administrative work. It "feels" like a lot of money but at about $6 a month, it's not so much.

Seems like the providers that are on P411 should routinely offer to send a new hobbyist an invitation to join P411. Once he gets a second okay, he's set up for free service for the first six months.

If y'all agreed to help ease guys into P411 as an after-date "treat" to the guy, it seems like it would help cut down overhead after just a couple, three months.
with all the recent problems especially with le this process is neccesary. i am so glad my ref. vouched quickly for me when i was setting things up with Gabrielle and i wish to say thanks Austyn and Anita you allowed me to enjoy Gabrielle. I also wanted to say thank you to Gabrielle for not only a smooth booking process but a fantastic hour of sex. watcing myself slide in and out of her during doggie will go down as one of the greatest moments of my life. thanks girls you rock
Gentlemen: I cannot stress enough the importance of giving RECENT and RELIABLE references OR the convenience of using DATECHECK or P411. This makes our job a whole lot easier! If I have to email you back and fourth 10 or more times to get reference information from you I will probably skip you over and see a client who has it together. I have never been so frustrated as I am right now in planning this Buffalo trip.

Ladies: If you value references from other people you might want to take the time to answer when someone asks YOU for a reference. I know I spend a great deal of my day answering reference checks from other providers. I always get to you ladies promptly. It is a system, and it does not work if there is a missing link. And lastly, is it so hard to say THANKS????? I answer a whole lot of references inquiries and hardly ever get a Thank you. That annoys me to no end, especially when I am doing you a favor.

Just something to think about...... Originally Posted by SexyGabrielle
I have lamented the frustration of reference game's so often labyrinth effect so many times on the matter of word of mouth between others so often lately. Hence also why I give so much credit to services like p411 and date-check over the matter as well.

So many threads on here are from gents bemoaning about references yet here is an example of how frustrating it is for the ladies as well.

So given that let me take this time to extend a very pronounced THANK YOU! Thank you and Thank you...To one on the boards best and Most Professional of providers that graces this board. It may not have been the exact thank you that you were looking for but if every provider used you as the example to pattern their professionalism after the argument of professionalism would never come into question.

Thank you!
jokacz's Avatar
Hey Gab, welcome back to the living hell that is Buffalo.

Will that be beer, white wine, or straight to the Vodka?
. . . the living hell that is Buffalo. Originally Posted by jokacz
Is it that bad?
At least you have a sense of humor about the blackhole that is buffalo...where providers come once but never reappear lol
. . . the blackhole that is buffalo Originally Posted by wlhrgfan
You too!
  • Laker
  • 08-31-2010, 10:54 AM
to Gabrielle!! Travel safely!!
to Gabrielle!! Travel safely!! Originally Posted by Laker
to the greatest moments of our lives!!
You too! Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Eh it is what it is...

But my glass is still always half full
At least we have a good chant Jack.

"Lets go Buffalo"