I have a few openings left... and there's still 5 days to Christmas.
and yes they are
FREE...to everyone. That's what one calls a gift...
AND YES ...They can be cheesy or serious and I work very hard to make them personalized to you personality. I mean what's cheesy to one is funny to another right????

(and yes occasionally I am human & I make a mistake but always try to fix it...)
I just want to say....Isn't it nice that some folks will let non-clients buy stuff from them... What a privilege.
Oh wait that's what growing your business and selling stuff is.
And isn't it a shame that some can't let there work stand on their on they have to insult others to justify charging someone... all the while acting as though they are doing you a favor.
Not much of a Hollyday Spirit...(opps typo)
Oh and BTW the cheesy typo riddled Graphics I create can be emailed to your clients or posted in your thread ads. You can use them to advertise, thank clients or just express your Holiday Cheer.

:x massmilie78:
Wishing Everyone even the trolls the Happiest of Holidays and a prosperous Happy New Year