Date: Early December
Provider: Yuliana
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Medellin
State: -
Address: The Mansion
Appointment Type: Other
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Colombian society is a little bit more relaxed than ours. When they say 3PM they mean some time today. Yuliana showed up about 30 minutes late, which was the closest to being on time for any of my 'dates'.
Big Long Kissing. Big long kissing with tongue. Showered together and played a little in the hot tub. BBBJ, DATY, b00bie play, Tummy and Ass worship. Covered sex in multiple positions and locations in my hotel room. Long conversation afterwards. Actually the conversation was tuf because I had lost my phone which was also my translator, but, Yuliana knew a little English and I knew a little Spanish so we had a ball teaching each other a little more. It was a blast. Yuliana was a smart girl with a great personality.
Session Length: 2 Hours
Fee: 70 American Somolians
Hair Color and Length: LONG AND BLACK -- Duh.
Age: 22
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Middle Eastern
Physical Description: Believe it or not but Yuliana is from Egyptian decent. She has the most awesome tummy and ass I have ever encountered in my life. TIGHT and TONED. Almost to the point of being unbelievably so. She was the tallest girl I saw, probably about 5'7" and weighed 115 ish. Her body may be the most pleasing I have ever come across. Her tummy was awesome, as I said above. You will see in the pics i post.
Recommendation: Yes