So...I sent out a couple of email holiday greetings to past dates most of them I receive warm happy holiday to you too type responses. except one. >_>
all I said in my initial message was
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how dare I send him a holiday greeting? geez I didn't know I crossed a line..... didn't know you thought the date was that bad either.
Ok the sandwich thing when I have dates around lunch time I make sandwiches either for before or after the sexy time. I mean for gods sake what guy doesn't enjoy food and sex??? I thought I was being a good host. Damn
ok and since when is saying happy holidays called solicitation??? o.O wtf I wasn't all like come see me again I just said hope you had a good christmas geez.
and threatening to report me to the police. god that's a bit extreme....I mean even if you didn't enjoy that date who does that?
and ok the very brief review/overview of our date described as the Anti-fuck? I was lifeless??? totally non-sensual??? um? I sorry I didn't know you were that unhappy...why didn't he indicate so during the date so I could have a chance to try and do better? T_T
I don't remeber much about the actual sexy time except even in my opinion it was just ok but I do remember that when I checked the donation afterwards he shortaged me, back then I thought he just didn't have enough or didn't know what my rate was. NOW in this new light I think it was because he was so dissatisfied and I'm surprised he gave me anything at all since he was so let down. :/
so after receiving this message now I feel bad and am plagued with self doubt. I hate the idea of someone being so UNhappy after they leave me especially since I really do try to make sure someone has a good time and this doesn't happen. But I am More hurt by his words and threat. Happy Holidays to me apparently you suck at sex.
even though I would totally cringe had this been a board review it really is hard not knowing if someone really enjoyed the date afterwards or is just too polite to my face to express why they were dissatisfied.
Does anyone else I've seen feel this way? or I mean like were you dissapointed and with what? So I know.
also anyone have and pointers on being more "sensual" I was NOT "Lifeless" tho > I don't care What his opinion was of the date I was NOT lifeless.
and is it really bad to make sandwiches for lunch dates? I mean i don't count the meal time towards the OTC time.
and seriously was I really that bad? T_T Should I be asking guys what they thought afterwards or for pointers or would that just be asking for trouble...
The Anti-Fuck...gee let me just go crawl back into my hole now.
I can't be that terrible if people have requested to see me again...