What's your favorite toddy

About 9pm I fix myself a large Southern Comfort and Sprite.
Jack on the rocks.
ramblinman69's Avatar
Crown and 7 is my preferred choice
TechOne's Avatar
Dewar's neat, with a squeeze of virgin twat juice.
uca479's Avatar
private stock rum & coke zero
I've enjoyed a few of those rum & cokes with you, UCA. Good stuff!

Sometimes, I prefer a nice simple glass of Malbec or Merlot.

Recently though, I've discovered that I really enjoy a very spicy bloody Mary! Yum! It's definitely my new favorite.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Red berry ciroc and pineapple juice with a side of ginger doll and Mr right.
Red berry ciroc and pineapple juice with a side of ginger doll and Mr right. Originally Posted by Trinity Kane
Lol! I love it!
Sonoman's Avatar
Hard to top the above Trinity Prefrence

giteneny, how you preserve that Twat Juice.

When I have on , it's gonna be Bombay Blue Sapphire on the rocks with a couple Blue cheese olives.

BTW. Want be no Hotty Toddy. Ole miss sucks. Lol
Grand marnier with kahlua and baileys irish cream wiskey its called a b52.yum taste the liquor then taste like chocolate. Its a shooter
uca479's Avatar
I've enjoyed a few of those rum & cokes with you, UCA. Good stuff! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Good stuff and good times indeed!
Rum and Dr Pepper. I did not think it sounded that good but it really is.
biomed1's Avatar
Jack Daniels Single Barrel on the rocks.

Be Careful & Enjoy!

TechOne's Avatar
giteneny, how you preserve that Twat Juice. Originally Posted by Sonoman
I always try to squeeze a fresh one every time!
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Grand marnier with kahlua and baileys irish cream wiskey its called a b52.yum taste the liquor then taste like chocolate. Its a shooter Originally Posted by dmaxskin
They will knock your ass off too. Lol so will liquid cocain shots, a walk me down, and running with the devil. I can't remember what's in them but they will get you hammered fast as Hell.