+1 on communicating with the lady beforehand, they're like sex therapists they've seen it all and don't judge.
Also I agree if your refractory period is sub 15 minutes no big deal at all, round two should be underway with plenty of time left. Of course for civilian sex that doesn't fix the issue right? At various points in my life I've had some issues with this temporarily, something like 30% of men of all ages do. In my case I had an underlying issue that was the primary cause which got straightened out and now I'm back to normal the vast majority of the time.
You can do some things though to desensitize and prolong. I'm sure you've tried rubbing one out like an hour beforehand?
Try to relax anxiety makes it worse. Specifically, Learn to relax your PC muscles during sex, do Kegel exercises to strengthen them first, yeah kegels aren't just for women
There's also the squeeze technique (google it) you can try.
Medically you can do things also. See a Urologist if you want to go that route. Viagra has been used to treat Premature ejaculation and it shortens refractory period as well, it's not just for old dudes!. The antidepressant Paxil among others helps with PE also.
Good luck!