Dangerous Neighborhood

'You know where the most dangerous neighborhood in the country is right now? The comments section on every web page. People are so unbelievably harsh with these comments.

'No sane person would ever say the kinds of things that they write on line to someone face to face. If you did, you'd get killed.'

Jimmy Kimmell

That being said, and in light of the fact that there's a thread about starting a civil forum so us cynical types can keep our cynical opinions to ourselves, I propose a sub forum, by invitation only, but visible to all, where we can call a fat ho a fat ho or a skinny ho a skinny ho or an imbecile an imbecile, make major drama out of dumb asses who prepay or loan whores cars, moderate it ourselves and the thin skinned can tap out anytime, but their fail will be evident to all. Like any first amendment offering, those who find it offensive DON'T HAVE TO PARTICPATE OR VIEW the forum. That way the wise-asses and nay-sayers, the anti fairy dust and puppies and rainbows and unicorn types (well, I LIKE puppies...) can have their say without offending the thin skinned escapists. If anyone says anything stoopid they can be called on it. No RTM buttons.

After at least 157 posts (half of which must be in affirmation of the OP, me) I will post an outline to present to management and let them put all the stinking banner ads they want in it. We'll call it the "Not COED Drama and Asshole's Responses to It" forum. That way the universe stays in balance. The nice people and WK's can stay on one side and some of us wannabe literary ganstas will jump off into the 'hood.

Questions, comments and concerns, please, it's my JOB for Sweet Baby Tebow's sake.
So Phildo can I join your private club. I try and not have thin skin but an attitude to please.
You might have to cuss some. Just for me. Cause I like a woman swears like a sailor and totes a gun. Maybe we can get Olivia Howard on board, too.
We all have a dark side. This is a perfect way to release it; no "holes" barred.
I like it... Include me, BITCH...
bored@home's Avatar
The sweet and sour or yin and yang.
Maybe piggyback on THN's utopia to cut cost.

I am curious if it is possible for the clubhouse forums to be viewable but write access by members only.

Might be worth the cost for a 3 month adventure.
Good luck phildo! Everyone need a place to let off steam and get wild!

From what i understand the SpiderHole is a lot like that and does quite well - except for it not being visible to all (it would probably lose a lot of its intrigue if it were).

The only problem you might run into is competition since the SH is so well established with so many members. As a matter of fact, you and Truly Passion are already members there. Which helps explain the adoration of puppies and kittens and the like. I guess membership really does have its privileges - in more ways than one. Very.....intriguing.

I suggest to those interested in a forum like the one you described that they should contact dearhunter for an invite so they can see what its like in there. http://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=3221
Phildo I love to join. It be nice to express myself without someone coming along to ruin the party. Oh what do I know I just enjoy pleasing men. Heck I probably would like SH it probably a hell of a nice place. Maybe I should find out the requirements to enter. Since DH is from Houston I know he is a hell of a good guy. I enjoy the fine men there they love to fuck and have a good time.. I can not wait to get there.
Yea, you,are,already in the spider hole. Why would you need another forum?
Phildo not to derail your thread but this little banner with a threesome sure does make me want one.
I think what Phildo is saying that it is open for all to see, come if you want, don't come if you don't want to.

And can you resist the temptation of what is said.

The SH is a place where you already are known to have your big girl panties on.


no pussies allowed

vagina, yes. pussy, no.

i vote, fuck yes.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Well, this is very confusing, cynical ... If thats the case, why not making the SH visible for everyone? Since Phildo is in there, he can start a thread in there to ask DearHunter to make it visible for everyone ...
Now, what I dont understand is why Phildo is pissed off and pressing THN to make hers visible and have a subforum as a branch of a SH? Is Phildo footing the bill? NO THN is ...
If her Idea is to start a Civil Forum, why they want to bring shit everywhere?
If they enjoy throwing shit at each others faces, they can do it in their hole ...
Not all of us enjoy it ... you shit in the commode, not in the living room ... right
There is a place and time for everything!!!

I think what Phildo is saying that it is open for all to see, come if you want, don't come if you don't want to.

And can you resist the temptation of what is said.

The SH is a place where you already are known to have your big girl panties on.


no pussies allowed

vagina, yes. pussy, no.

i vote, fuck yes. Originally Posted by tntangie
I agree. If phildo agrees to make the spider hole visible to everyone then there is a case to be made for making the new forum visible. Transparency has its advantages.

Or does it???

No editing for "offensive" content either.

Edit: Its funny how you all get quiet for awhile and then rush the board in packs to sway opinion. Can any of you guys actually think for yourselves? Or do you need a bunch of back-ally attaboys before stepping out of the hole? I know some of your ladies can actually think for themselves. (note the word "some" - which can also be interpreted as intelligent in this instance).
DarthDVader's Avatar
Wait ... Phildo doesnt make the decisions here ... He's just one of DeerHunter's SockPuppets
DarthDVader's Avatar
... and Phildo, you wouldnt have the balls to say to my face what you write behind the safety of your keyboard ... you would regret it ...
Thank God for you its only the internet ... Right?!!!!

'No sane person would ever say the kinds of things that they write on line to someone face to face. If you did, you'd get killed.'

Jimmy Kimmell Originally Posted by phildo
pyramider's Avatar
Wrong. Anything I say online I would say in public. I am not been killed.