Another Fort Hood Soldier pleads guilty to sexual misconduct

Guest062716's Avatar
No commentary here, just posting the news report found at:

Ft. Hood soldier pleads guilty to sexual abuse of minor

Posted: Jan 10, 2014 11:33 AM CST

A Fort Hood soldier has pleaded guilty to federal charges of sexual abuse of a minor after authorities say he picked up a girl he met on the Internet from Illinois and hid her in his barracks on Fort Hood.

Ethan Thomas Hays, 21, faces up to 15 years in prison for the charge and sentencing is set for March 5.

According to the indictment, Hays is accused of engaging in a sexual act with a 14-year-old girl he met online after traveling to pick her up in Illinois. He is also accused of hiding her in his barrack on Fort Hood.

The factual basis document says Hays was interviewed by an FBI agent on October 31, 2013 about the case, and Hays admitted he knew the girl was only 14. He also admitted that he had sex with the girl in his barracks after he found out she was only 14, on October 17, 2013 and for several days after.

According to the factual basis, the girl was also interviewed during the investigation and corroborated those facts.
Ranchhand's Avatar
Entirely too many idiots in the world
Guest062716's Avatar
He went AWOL to travel to Illinois to pick her up and bring her back to his barracks.

I am going to predict he gets 15 years when he is sentenced in March.
Swordmaster69's Avatar
Where is NBC Dateline when you need them.....?
Guest062716's Avatar
Well, at least he will have some buddies from Fort Hood when he gets to Leavenworth.....

Not really surprised to see the FBI involvement in the investigation.

Waiting to see what happens with SFC Gregory McQueen.......he is next on the radar.


Wow 14! That's just freaking nuts! Hope he gets dealt with.