Cosplay Restaurants - or - "I'm a Waitress, Not a Prostitute!"

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
So I didn't know that Japan was REALLY into the whole idea of "Maid Cafes". Of course, the Japanese invented kink, right?

Anyway, after reading one of my favorite sex worker blogs, The Honest Courtesan, I found a link to an article about a new "Maid Cafe" opening up in Tokyo this past summer.

Here are a few links:


I'm curious about the fascination with this type of play. There are also cafes that feature teachers, butlers, etc.

Is this taking an idea, that is erotic, and taking it too far? Just would appreciate some thoughts and opinions. I'd go to a restaurant like this if only to give it a try!!!

I would love to go to one.
A handful have given it a
Go here in the states/Canada, but looks like all have failed.
Are we just too damn sexually stuck up to accept them?
I've actually been to a few in Japan. They're awesome! =^_^=

I've been saving over the last few years, to open one here soon (or in Austin. Wherever I think the market's best at the time).

But, they are not sex workers. You're thinking of the girls/guys at the lounges (also called 'Host Clubs'). And even then, not all of those cater to sex.

A maid cafe is more of an interactive friendly servant experience; where the girls/guys kiss up to you and make you feel so awesome that you then hit the host clubs and easily find a partner. ^_~ That's not to say that some girls won't play after hours, but most are not there for that and are actually in danger of being fired, if they're found out.
Considering that people have a problem with the amount of skin or (supposed) sexuality at a Hooters or Twin Peaks, it doesn't shock me that these places haven't taken off stateside.

On a related I the only one that would love some cosplay with a session? Being tied up and frisked by Batgirl or Supergirl sounds like a fun beginning to a kinky session...
I've been to a couple in Japan, and Aiyanna is quite accurate in her description. My experience was the same. I did not press my hostess for anything other than temporary companionship and conversation, and had a great time!
Is there anything creepier than adults putting on costumes that are normally worn by children?