Squirting, the debate continues

I just thought I'd start up the discussion of squirting as I replied to a different post where someone stated that it's "just piss"... I know that some shock jock radio host even had a doc come in and take a sample of one porn start's fluids and he "verified" it was pee and thus we have the final answer... Yeah right. Here is my response posted on another thread and my opinion.

I know there is a debate and I am fortunate to have a willing test subject here at home. Vast majority of the time in our case there is no pee to be found. Regardless of the amounts. I was always suspect and even though we tried her peeing before hand and then the fact that she could pee right afterwards made me about a 70% believer. Then one time, there was pee mixed in (or was all pee, I'm no scientist) and that was when I knew that I wasn't crazy. There is a distinct odor and coloration when there is pee involved and there is neither when it is pure squirting. If you have been privy to pure squirting, it is quite amazing. Whether it's your thing or not, it is truly an interesting aspect of a woman and trust me, I doubted too until I experienced the real thing up close and personal.

To the shock jock and the non believers, I am sure that there are women that have become squirters and when they are on command, they may force out whatever fluid they can on the spot. However; when they are stimulated and can just relax and let go, there is NO denying that it is NOT pee!

Your thoughts and opinions are encouraged.

You can be sad and negative about it

You can embrace your lover and enjoy the ride ! ! !
ramblinman69's Avatar
I agree mate, 'tis not pee in the form that we think it is.
Guest012617's Avatar
Women cum too and thats a fact, just how much is cum
or something else may be the question. I had a squirter
once when I was to young and stupid to know what I had done, hell,
I thought she gave me one of those golden shower things
and kind of freeked out. Thinking back, now I know and
will be ready if it happens again. Or should I say when
it happens again.
It's not pee for sure and I freaked the first time it happened to me lol
I've always heard that squirting is made out of the liquid that comprises urine, before the contaminants enter it. Is that true? I honestly just don't know that much about it.
I've always heard that squirting is made out of the liquid that comprises urine, before the contaminants enter it. Is that true? I honestly just don't know that much about it. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Now I'm no doctor, but I did sleep in a hotel last night so...
From everything I have read, the fluid is more like a prostate fluid. There is something referred to as the Skene's glands around the vagina... They say that every woman has the same fluid and the difference is, if a woman does not "let go" then the fluid sits and will expel when she goes pee afterwards (provided she has orgasmed) Pee is pee and to your point, all fluids in our body have the same root of the water we take in. So there is some truth to that statement but the bladder seems to be only pee and this fluid seems to come from different, multiple glands.

Most women I have talked to, admit to feeling like that they have to pee at time of the "O" but are holding it back for obvious reasons. It was not until my S.O. inadvertently couldn't hold back during a standing session in the bathroom and we were left with a little puddle and my legs to be cleaned off. She left fairly quickly (we were sneaking while kids were playing) and after she left, I noticed that there was no color and no smell... She apologized later for peeing on me and that's when I told her I wasn't sure if it was pee or if she just proved to me that squirting was real.

Because of our comfort level with each other, we experimented and she learned to relax. A couple of graphic points we learned was that even if she lets go during reg penetration, there is no "squirting", we just get extra wet. Ironically, she likes anal on occasion and That created the Mother of all squirts!!! I mean it was a fountain! On the second or 3rd time of that, it literally traveled past both our heads and she did it during her 2nd, 3rd and 4th O in less than 30 minutes.. She was Spent...

Today, we have special blankets that are pulled out and there are times that she just wants to squirt and I am happy to oblige. We have it down to an art and it can take little time. She loves it so much that even though we don't swing per se, we are pretty open with select friends and she has allowed/asked me to do it for a few of her friends (digitally only)... 2 of the 3 were able to even in what was a somewhat awkward setting. The 3rd just never could.

To me, the biggest part is someone that is comfortable with their partner enough that they are not afraid of rejection if pee were to come out... as I stated before there was a time that my SO did it and it was mostly or enough pee that I realized at that moment there rest of the times were 100% squirt. The other part is to make sure that your partner knows where to stimulate specifically. The "G" spot is referred to and that maybe the spot I find, but what I can tell you is that the spot I find in each woman, reacts in much the same way... It swells and hardens and if I stay that path, she will O... If she ejaculates, that is simply because she is relaxing and letting go. Now the direct G spot is not the only way as I explained that anally have been a couple of her better times... However, using one or two fingers direct is often the easiest, quickest way to the finish line.

My SO and the 2 friends with success say that it multiplies their O to a point they cant explain. I can simply attest that my SO never glows, nor is more flush than after she squirts.
My better half is a squirter and the best I can tell is that when she squirts the first time during sex, it may have some piss in the ejaculant. However with each orgasm there after during that particular session it clears up so to speak. So like many other arguments the answer probably falls somewhere in the middle.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
The first and only time I ever squirted I was piss drunk (no pun intended) and barely remember it. I thought it was pee but later realized it wasn't
Guys love squirting because it's objective evidence of a woman's orgasm. It reminds me of Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady "why can't a woman be more like a man?" It would be great if there were some objective sign that you had achieved what you so often help us achieve with sex.
Guest012617's Avatar
Guys love squirting because it's objective evidence of a woman's orgasm. It reminds me of Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady "why can't a woman be more like a man?" It would be great if there were some objective sign that you had achieved what you so often help us achieve with sex. Originally Posted by bluetone

Well that would be to easy and aint much about a woman easy
unless the moneys right and all the money may not buy
you a squirt anyway so I guess we have to here them tell
us how great we were in bed and who am I to think they
are laughing out loud after I leave but I keep cumming back
for more. Gotta love it
You are right my brother! Maybe the mystery is what we love the most...
fnlker's Avatar
From experience, squirting is real. If it was just pee, you couldn't keep me off the water bottle.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Squirting is fun! If the bed is left wet, then it was a great time for sure.
Squirting is fun! If the bed is left wet, then it was a great time for sure. Originally Posted by BabyDallass
I could not agree more!
I work in Urology. Turst me, Its piss. I've heard the whole "oh it's colorless and doesn't smell like piss". That's because when you've smelled piss in the past its usually in the morning when the urine has been in the bladder all night. When you squirt its a spasm caused by orgasm and the fluid in the bladder hasn't been there that long. This spasm forces fluid (piss) through the bladder neck and down the urethra and out your piss hole. There is no cavity to hold this magical mythical fluid called female ejaculate. Its very simple plumbing and if anyone can prove its not piss, I'm listening....

That being said, urine is sterile and if you enjoy the whole squirting phenomena, more power to you.