Testosterone I'm a big fan!

I just wanted to share my experience with taking Test injections, I think a lot of guys could benefit.

I went to my family Dr. to complain about a common sexual issue men have and thought I would leave with a script for the little blue pill.
My doctor asked me a series of questions about energy level, focus, weight gain, hard ons, I ended up with a blood test to check my Test levels. more on that in a sec. My. Dr. told me that 70% of men 40 and over suffers from low Test.

for the pellets that last about 5 to 6 months $700.00 ouch! stress will shorten the duration.
Injections which last 6 weeks for one bottle $112.00 6 months =$448.00
My Dr. taught me how to do the injections so I could do them myself in my thigh or my SO can inject into my butt.

When my Test levels came back it was below 300 "Ideal is 900 -1000" and that is the level where insurance will cover the cost of the injections so now my cost for six weeks of Test is $40.00. Insurance does not cover the cost of pellets.
In addition to one injection a week I take one pill a week to keep from getting sensitive breast.
I now go back to the Dr. maybe 2 or 3 times a year for blood work to make sure that I am staying around the appropriate Test levels.

When I started the Test I was 315 "6ft 5in" I am now 295 with very little exercise.
Increase energy and focus and good solid hard ons! The one draw back, I grew back my back hair that I had lasered off.

I asked the Dr. if I do the pellet injected into the butt how do I know when the pellets
are gone? He said easy! You will quit waking up in the morning with a hard on.

This is not an ad for my Dr. but to save on PMs He is Dr. Proctor in McKinney Tx
LickHer's Avatar
I agree! Testosterone is like a miracle drug! But, Injections are the ONLY way to go. It's the only way to know exactly how much you are getting and the only way to insure a safe level on a daily/weekly basis. The creams are all worthless and dangerous to people close to you and the pellets dissolve at different rates in different people and there is no way to adjust down if you're getting too much. "Safe" levels for men over 50 is 400-700 and the risk of prostate cancer raises if you go above these levels. 900-1000 is only good if you're under 40. One of my good friends is an MD and he takes testosterone and has a big hormone therapy business for both men and women. Make SURE you see a doctor that is highly schooled in the area of hormones and just a family doctor. But, if you're over 40 by all means get your testosterone checked. And if you take injections, get your blood work done quarterly.
Went for blood work the other day and doc was quite upset with
Test levels
Been on test for over three years , two shots a week , told him I know what level I like and feel best at . Told him I didn't need a scrip
from him I can get better test than he can prescribe.
OldGrump's Avatar
My doctors are debating on how to treat my low testosterone (under 200). The therapy drugs increase your PSA and mine is already elevated so they are cautious. I am trying to convince them that I want it treated aggressively (not only do I have sex issues, my energy level, short term memory and concentration are at all time lows).

There are three methods of getting the drugs into your system. This is what I understand so far:

1) Gel. The most convenient but, by far, the most expensive. $400/month and many insurance companies won't pay. Aso, the warnings about transferring it to others concern me. I don't want to give my wife hairy boobs. :-(

2) Implanted beads: Covered by insurance. This would be my preference because there is no routine to follow and the levels remain flat. Just 2-4 visits to the doctor a year.

3) Injctions: Probably the cheapest. My second choice (as long as I can self-inject & not be required to go to a clinic). One of my doctors said this method had highs and lows between shots. I replied that the lows can't be any worse than I am now so most of the time, it would be better.

It is a bitch having to supply artificially what your body has decided to abandon.

Thanks, LittleWit, for mentioning your doctor. I'll abandon mine if they want to take too long getting on the bandwagon. If they are afraid of bringing on other shit by treating this, then I say "bring it on" and treat it too.

Without energy and sex, I may as well find a rocking chair and...fucH that!!!
Your Docs probably mentioned this but cocktailing and opioids together or separate will "separate" you from your testoserone in a hurrry. For what its worth.....
Bluesplyr's Avatar
just curios how old you guys are? i am 52 and feeling every year if it (of coarse...my SO is a lunatic).
Iaintliein's Avatar
I've done the pellets for the last two or three years, thinking about the injections more and more, the "six month" fix lasts me no longer than 4-4.5 months. And, contrary to the dogma on testosterone, night time trips to the restroom drop significantly with increased T.

If you're a male over 50 with the means, you need to do yourself a favor and look into it.
OldGrump's Avatar
I'm as old as Mick Jagger but not nearly as ugly - or rich.
3) Injctions: Probably the cheapest. My second choice (as long as I can self-inject & not be required to go to a clinic). One of my doctors said this method had highs and lows between shots. I replied that the lows can't be any worse than I am now so most of the time, it would be better. Originally Posted by OldGrump
You'll probably want to find a new doctor because many of them don't prescribe injections based on the half life. That's why you will get highs/lows, the half life of of testosterone cypionate is approx 8 days. So you want weekly injections, this will keep your blood levels stable. Many doctors will do bi-weekly or monthly shots, this is how you will have highs/lows. You will want to make sure you work with a doctor that will let you split up the injections weekly. It helps greatly if you do your own research because you will find many of them unfortunately don't know what they are talking about when it comes to TRT.
OldGrump's Avatar
Iaintlien, thanks for the info on the beads. The injections may have moved up a notch.

Userb1, it does help to communicate openly with your doctors. If I go on injections, I want to do them myself. I should be able to tell when it is time for another instead of using a calendar.

I also need a heart to heart talk with my endocronologist because she likes to start off with low doses and move up. I'm tired of waiting. I want to hit this crap with a good sized dose and go down if it is too much. WTF difference does it make which way you adjust as long as you are tested regularly?
I'm tired of waiting. I want to hit this crap with a good sized dose and go down if it is too much. WTF difference does it make which way you adjust as long as you are tested regularly? Originally Posted by OldGrump
They are cautious because of side effects, PSA can be an issue as you know, high blood pressure, high estrogen, liver values, etc. having said that many, doctors do give out really low doses, hopefully you will get 200mg/wk thats a good number to stay on towards the higher end of test levels for many people.
Iaintlien, thanks for the info on the beads. The injections may have moved up a notch. Originally Posted by OldGrump
Injections are the only way to see any results worthwhile, period.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
I have had good results with Axiron.
Bluesplyr's Avatar
anybody had any success with the stuff available at GNC or other health stores (mostly herbs)?
anybody had any success with the stuff available at GNC or other health stores (mostly herbs)? Originally Posted by Bluesplyr
it's garbage