So whatcha' gonna' do when ...

they legalize pros'atushun where you live? I read recently that a cake shop got into some deep dough-dough when they refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple.

I read that now pros'atushun is legal in Canada for the protection of women.

Whatcha' gonna' do if pros'atushun becomes legal and maybe even regulated and you do not want to see "colored" people, be it black, brown, yellow, or whatever. Can you then be sued for discrimination and taken to court. What if you don't want to see a member of the opposite sex, or anyone in between? Will that be sexual discrimination?, Likewise with age and various infirmities.

Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
Choke On It's Avatar
I'm betting they would be able to hang a sign stating "We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service To Anyone". Just like any other business, and you could boycott, march around out front with signs, but in the end you will not be served. Then you could try to sue them in court, but will likely lose. Sexual Discrimination would require Prostitutes being the John's employer which they would not be.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for prostitution to be legalized in Texas. Although it looks promising in Canada, the Canadian government has some time to work out regulations to respond to the recent, well-publicized court decision and regulations can really choke something that is "legal".

Getting back to Texas, or anywhere in the U.S. of A., legalization is not likely. The past year saw a legalization referendum defeated in San Francisco, CA, probably the most liberal place in America. What is more likely is a change for the worse, law enforcement efforts directed at criminalizing the customer, the Scandinavian, Feminazi approach.
  • F117
  • 01-18-2014, 12:45 AM
they legalize pros'atushun where you live? I read recently that a cake shop got into some deep dough-dough when they refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Help me to understand - what is the connection between prostitution and gay marriage? It seems as though you have some issues with both.
Gay marriage causes prostitution, aids, and abortion. Say no to gay marriage.
I don't have an "issue", as you call it, with gay marriage or prostitutes, but it's when gay bakers marry prostitutes, or gay prostitutes get "baked" that I get my dander up.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Apparently, gay marriage causes storms and floods as well.

A thoughtful, polite, well educated British statesman said it, so it must be true.