Donation question for both girls and guys

Cpalmson's Avatar
The thread on paying before or after the session prompted me to come up with these questions. Guys, when you set a date with a girl, do you have only the agreed upon donation with you or do you have extra with you in case you want more time or the girl up-sells? BTW, when I say the agreed upon amount, I'm also including any tip you intend to give her. Girls, do you expect a guy to have extra "donation" with him when he shows up, or do you think he does have extra "donation" with him "just in case"?

From my experience, I only arrive with the agreed upon donation. I rely on research to ensure the highest caliber of provider is selected. I figure if my research fails and the girl is not what I expected, I just go through with the session and hope I get something out of it. Most of the time, I never have a problem on first dates. BTW, I consider a first session with a provider as an interview. If I like what I see, I'm inclined to repeat. When I repeat with a lady, it is so much more relaxed, and we usually talk before any subsequent session. With those 2nd, 3rd, etc dates, everything is understood well before we meet that the issue of what I bring for the donation is not even an issue.
RedLeg505's Avatar
The thread on paying before or after the session prompted me to come up with these questions. Guys, when you set a date with a girl, do you have only the agreed upon donation with you or do you have extra with you in case you want more time or the girl up-sells? BTW, when I say the agreed upon amount, I'm also including any tip you intend to give her. Girls, do you expect a guy to have extra "donation" with him when he shows up, or do you think he does have extra "donation" with him "just in case"?

From my experience, I only arrive with the agreed upon donation. I rely on research to ensure the highest caliber of provider is selected. I figure if my research fails and the girl is not what I expected, I just go through with the session and hope I get something out of it. Most of the time, I never have a problem on first dates. BTW, I consider a first session with a provider as an interview. If I like what I see, I'm inclined to repeat. When I repeat with a lady, it is so much more relaxed, and we usually talk before any subsequent session. With those 2nd, 3rd, etc dates, everything is understood well before we meet that the issue of what I bring for the donation is not even an issue. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
That's how I do it. I arrange for a more than 60 minute appointment usually, but only bring the agreed upon amount for the booked time. And yes, the first session is "an interview". If its "good", I'll write a nice review and maybe come back later if I have time and funds. If it is "great", I'll write a glowing review and DEFINITELY book follow-up sessions with that provider again. I have not ever had a session so bad I left early, but I have had some so bad, I wouldn't go back again if the lady paid me, which means I won't ever contact her again.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Nope I only take the donation. The only "tip" I give is if the provider has rates that aren't divisible by 20, then she gets the extra $10 or whatever it is.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think it best not to answer that lol.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I only bring the donation amount plus a potential tip. I do my research and I neither negotiate her rate down nor tolerate her trying to upsell.

I may have liked more time but that's ok, there's always the next visit to schedule a longer session right? Like someone already said, I view the first encounter as an interview for potential repeats.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I don't unless he's that "1hr OR 90mins" guy where I know there's a chance he could extend during the date. Other than that I don't expect a guy to bring anything extra or much more than the minimum he should be bringing (every now and then someone will decide to tip on the way out).

And imo the "interview" should be the screening process and what happens before the 1st date takes place not during (unless your hopefully thorough research foes somehow fail but even then that sounds so....dry).

The thread on paying before or after the session prompted me to come up with these questions. Guys, when you set a date with a girl, do you have only the agreed upon donation with you or do you have extra with you in case you want more time or the girl up-sells? BTW, when I say the agreed upon amount, I'm also including any tip you intend to give her. Girls, do you expect a guy to have extra "donation" with him when he shows up, or do you think he does have extra "donation" with him "just in case"?

From my experience, I only arrive with the agreed upon donation. I rely on research to ensure the highest caliber of provider is selected. I figure if my research fails and the girl is not what I expected, I just go through with the session and hope I get something out of it. Most of the time, I never have a problem on first dates. BTW, I consider a first session with a provider as an interview. If I like what I see, I'm inclined to repeat. When I repeat with a lady, it is so much more relaxed, and we usually talk before any subsequent session. With those 2nd, 3rd, etc dates, everything is understood well before we meet that the issue of what I bring for the donation is not even an issue. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
SpiceItUp's Avatar
And imo the "interview" should be the screening process and what happens before the 1st date takes place not during (unless your hopefully thorough research foes somehow fail but even then that sounds so....dry). Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
Yeah I suppose you're right, the "interview" is the research combined with the initial communications beforehand.

The first session is more like the 90 day trial employment period where you find out if the employee can actually do all those fantastic things they said they could during the interview. Maybe they're a rock star and you keep them around but maybe they were full of shit and they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and you kick them to the curb.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Donation ?????
crap I must be on the wrong site
RedLeg505's Avatar
And imo the "interview" should be the screening process and what happens before the 1st date takes place not during Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
Nope, the screening process is similar to when you review all the resumes and pick the one or ones you wish to interview. Can't REALLY get a good feel for who has the right skills just from reading, I have to be there face to face and looking at them to get the "read" on them. And even then, there's still that trial period you have to have to confirm your "read" was correct and they have the skills needed.

But hey, folks have different views and opinions on this all obviously.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Yeah I suppose you're right, the "interview" is the research combined with the initial communications beforehand.

The first session is more like the 90 day trial employment period where you find out if the employee can actually do all those fantastic things they said they could during the interview. Maybe they're a rock star and you keep them around but maybe they were full of shit and they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground and you kick them to the curb. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Lol that sounds a little better.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I look at it like a casino, you're supposed to have forty times your average bet on hand. That's why I only hobby at gumball machines.

Seriously, if a lady is coming to my room I set aside an amount for her and hide any extra. Otherwise I'm not so anal about it, but I'm not in the habit of carrying mad gangster cash anyhow. I've never done the envelope thing, I have a distrust for any practice that makes business seem less like business, it's as if they're saying, "Don't worry about the money you worked for, it will be mine soon."

I haven't been mugged or stong-armed, I've been upsold and pickpocketed, and while I hated losing the money I really miss the money clip. It was an heirloom, so I'm careful about that sort of thing.
I posted this on the original thread, but it seems to fit better here:

For outcalls at my hotel I set it on the dresser or table next to the television, slightly covered with a newspaper or something similar. All other cash is hidden or out in the car. The ladies have never asked for it up front, so I hand it to them at the end of the session.

I also keep tip bills in my pockets (usually a Jackson and a Harrison, occasionally a Benjamin if I have a good feeling about her, each in a different pocket). If she deserves a tip (and I tip more often than not), it's easy for for me to pull out the bill I want without fanning a bunch of cash around.

At an incall I hold the money until the end, unless she hints otherwise in which case I set it where she points. I also carry tip cash, but only a Jackson and a Harrison. I almost left a three hour, 5$ session without leaving the donation. It was a most enjoyable time for us both, and I was out the door when we remembered to settle up!
I am primarily outcall and my favorite habits are.
Leaving the donation in clear view either on a end table, table or bathroom vanity, Envelope or no envelope, doesn't matter to me, but I think no envelope is better as IMO it doesn't look as incriminating out of the envelope.
Don't mention it and neither will I.
Not until our time is at an end and only if I don't see it lying out.

I really don't like when it's counted out to me, bit tacky...

I've never been shorted on an outcall as I can excuse myself while I fix my face to make sure things are correct. That and it really makes no sense.

Tips of course are not expected, but are a very pleasant surprise when they're offered.
I usually bring the agreed upon amount plus maybe a Jackson extra if I feel a tip is deserved,and sometimes I will bring in a small gift as well.As a side note, I make the donation at the beginning of the session because I don't want the lady going through the session wondering if she is going to get stiffed, pun intended!
plainjoe's Avatar
Cpalmson and Redleg outline the protocols that I use. Research, research, research - the three most important words in the hobby. I research the ladies that I choose to play with and the majority of appointments are great. I do not bring any extra cash for tips, but based on the ladies' profile, I bring what they enjoy - wine, chocolate, etc. With ladies that I establish a good rapport, I meet them again. With my ATF, I believe that she would be insulted if I tipped her - instead, I bring gifts to her that she would enjoy... The majority of my sessions are incall, but for the few outcalls, I leave my gift (not in an envelop) in the bathroom for the lady as she "gets comfortable."