Broncos vs. Seahawks

My money is on the Broncos. I think they have much cuter jerseys
jstone420's Avatar
Seattle is too strong denver wrs will have trouble
Age and treachery beats youth and skill every time.

Peyton Manning, winner.
Its Peyton year... Broncos all the way.
MisterMeat's Avatar
Seahawks. Denver's wide receivers have never played a secondary that is as big and physical as Seattle's. Wes Welker will get knocked out with another concussion in the first quarter and it will be all downhill for the Broncos after that...
BigLouie's Avatar
Seahawks are great at home but just so-so away from home. The Texans game was a perfect example. They almost got beat by a crappy Houston team. I pick Denver. Peyton will not make the mistakes that Colin did
cabletex7's Avatar
Seahawks by 7.
Because they have the best cornerback in the game.
Sherman told me so.
cabletex7's Avatar
My money is on the Broncos. I think they have much cuter jerseys Originally Posted by Lady Elizabeth
C'mon, babe.
Seattle's blue and green rock.
Denver's orange and blue is so 90s.
macksback's Avatar
Seattle by a mile. Right now 5dimes has Denver -1. I will bet big on Seattle and those winnings will buy my next 5 or 8 sessions. Seahawks secondary is better then Denvers receiving core.Cant wait for the game though.
TheDon's Avatar
This is an interesting game from a handicapping perspective, no doubt...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
After watching Peyton Manning gracefully overpower an accomplished warrior like Tom Brady in the playoffs, I believe the Broncos will dispatch Seattle without much trouble.

. . . Peyton is determined to win this one and you have to admire a guy who has consistently overcame so many formidable obstacles that would have pulverized a lesser mortal. (And that is not even counting the cuter jerseys that Elizabeth is swooning over!)

kerwil62's Avatar
Gonna be a great game. I think Denver will get the win.