So I had a heart attack.

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Just wondering for you guys that have had one how much did you have to change your lifestyle?
Obviously I have to quit smoking and eat better but I don't want to take blood pressure and cholesterol meds for the rest of my life.
I'm only 36 for fucks sake.
HumbleHobbyist's Avatar
I can't answer your question, but sorry to hear about your luck! Glad you made it out alive
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
So am I. Younger people I just recently learned have a much smaller survival rate.
Older people develop more smaller arteries for increased blood flow. And smaller chances of blockage.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Cardio increases blood flow and a lifestyle change is usually necessary. I will pray for you.
yup, 36 is young, glad u did survive. did u get a life style change, meds will help u from having another one.
xtrem's Avatar
  • xtrem
  • 01-25-2014, 10:54 PM
36 is young bro. Aged garlic extract and Hawthorne berry extract naturally lower blood pressure. Do you have hypertension or pre-hypertension?
I can recommend a great cardiologist if u need one. She's in the med center.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Wow, Hang tough and take care of yourself....We need your hard cock!!
Whole grains and very little oils for your cholesterol. I cook with nothing but olive oil because it massages the arteries instead of hardening them. And lots of cardio. Before my foot injury I was in full swing on a running regimine. Its great exercise and very relaxing. I prefer night running, more privacy, cooler outside, and more interesting than day running. Good luck baby and I hope it works out for you.
Sorry to hear that babe. We want you around and healthy for years to come. Muah!
So am I. Younger people I just recently learned have a much smaller survival rate.
Older people develop more smaller arteries for increased blood flow. And smaller chances of blockage. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds

Karma........ it is knocking on your door......

Then let the medical professionals take over.

I am fat and pushing 50 with no issues..... living right works the best.

TheDon's Avatar
At the rate I'm going, I'll be lucky to make it past 30, or 25 for that matter, but Fuck it, enjoy the ride! #YOLO
Russ38's Avatar
Sorry to hear that OOB but glad you pulled through ok....I work with a guy who suffered a mild heart attack early last year and he was in his early 30's, not over weight but was a heavy smoker and drinker and lived a pretty hard lifestyle....he's since, gone to rehab and quit drinking and improved his eating my knowledge, he hasn't had any re-occurring problems and doesn't have to take any long term medications. I'm not an expert in the matter either but I know genetics sometimes plays a huge role in it. But as GS stated above, I'd def look into finding a good cardiologist and do whatever they recommend. Take care man.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Genetics DO play a huge role. A fact I chose to downplay until now.
GS is this a real suggestion for a cardiologist or some provider your recommending?lol
Glad you are still here mate. I haven't had one but several years ago my total cholesterol was 280. It's now at 202 and I don't take any statins. I spend two hours a day 3X/week lifting weights in the gym, and on the other days I run 4 to 6 miles/day. Exercise every day. I also radically changed my diet. I eat high protein, lots of fish and chicken and turkey, salads, and whole grain breads. I rarely eat fast food. I do drink tequila daily (pretty sure that doesn't help).

Exercise and nutrition are what made a huge impact on my cholesterol. BTW genetics are a big part of the problem in my family - all my brothers and sisters have high cholesterol and my older brother died of a heart attack at age 52.