Ladies, Do you Take

JohnnyCap's Avatar
Ladies, do you take paypal? I'm doing some personal research on paypal and I'd like to hear how it works for you. The types of things I'd like to hear about:

Do you take it as payment? If not, did you consider it, and why did you decide against?

If you do, how has it worked for you? Any horror stories? Did you properly assess the expense, and pass it on to the client?

How do you take it? In advance? In the room? Does it have to clear? Have you had to return funds paid this way?

When you started taking it, was it if your own initiative, or did a client suggest it?

Does using it cause you to spend the money online rather than get it banked?

Ladies and gents if you have any horror stories about paypal, or successes, that you wish to share please do.

Please take care to share information appropriately. Rudeness and profanity are welcome just take care with your personal info.. If you have a good story you want to tell that might out you in your neighborhood, I swear on my future erections to keep all PMs to myself. Thanks.
pyramider's Avatar
PayPal is under scrutiny for people using it to launder money. Any funds going to an illegal act will freeze an account. Then Paypal will evaluate the account and possibly close the account with the account holder losing his/her money.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
PayPal is under scrutiny for people using it to launder money. Any funds going to an illegal act will freeze an account. Then Paypal will evaluate the account and possibly close the account with the account holder losing his/her money. Originally Posted by pyramider
Interesting. I'll search for that info, but if you have a link to an article, I'd love it.

Paypal should be under scrutiny for a lot more than that. Especially if they were able to freeze an account and confiscate funds without the authorities first getting a conviction and taking the funds themselves.

For what it is worth, I am not a part of any legal authority or organization. No Law Enforcement connections whatsoever. I have much disdain for paypal but I'm looking to know more. Thanks.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Paypal freezes accounts for all kinds of reasons both real and inferred by their automated risk algorithm. Many conferences and small businesses have had their operations and cash flow severely compromised by having their funds frozen for months on end while they provide reams of transaction documentation, receipts, affidavits, etc.. Once an account has been frozen you have next to zero recourse other than following their resolution process.

Someone using it for anything illegal or against their acceptable use policy will have a hard time freeing up their funds. To me it would be foolish to use paypal for hobby payments.

Even if their automated system doesn't detect any anomaly, all it takes is for one person to report suspicious behavior which violates this Acceptable Use policy

As Threesides said, It's against the Paypal acceptable use policy to use it for any illegal act. Other line items which may apply include obscene items and sexually oriented services.

You may not use the PayPal service for activities that:

violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation.

relate to transactions involving (a) narcotics, steroids, certain controlled substances or other products that present a risk to consumer safety, (b) drug paraphernalia, (c) items that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity, (d) stolen goods including digital and virtual goods (e) items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime, (f) items that are considered obscene, (g) items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction, (h) certain sexually oriented materials or services, (i) ammunition, firearms, or certain firearm parts or accessories, or (j) ,certain weapons or knives regulated under applicable law.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Okay, I get it, fuck me running, and I'm sorry, if anyone does this don't say so here.

There is absolutely no way paypal should be allowed to freeze funds without indisputable proof of criminal activity, as in a conviction. And if there is a conviction, I'd rather the inept gov't take the money than the slime at paypal. The latter is less American than Stalin himself.

I hope someone with the money and the courage challenges this in court. I haven't the former, unsure of the latter.

If anyone wants to rant about what a bunch of slimy scummy fucks paypal and their uncle ebay are, consider this thread a sympathetic ear.
pyramider's Avatar
Okay, I get it, fuck me running, and I'm sorry, if anyone does this don't say so here.

There is absolutely no way paypal should be allowed to freeze funds without indisputable proof of criminal activity, as in a conviction. And if there is a conviction, I'd rather the inept gov't take the money than the slime at paypal. The latter is less American than Stalin himself.

I hope someone with the money and the courage challenges this in court. I haven't the former, unsure of the latter.

If anyone wants to rant about what a bunch of slimy scummy fucks paypal and their mommy ebay are, consider this thread a sympathetic ear. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

Ebay bought PayPal a bunch of years ago and immediately would not allow funding of adult auctions to run thru PayPal. Then ebay recognized how much revenue the adult auctions generate ...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Comon guys, why even waste the time, cash is king.
If something needs a prebooking deposit, there's other ways to handle that other than a somewhat traceable PayPal.
It's a bad idea to use paypal for anything. I did a web design for a lady. Complete web design. Then after she got her web design, she charged back. Paypal did not ask me any questions. They froze my account until I paid her back all the money. She got a free web design and her money back. Paypal doesn't ask questions; they just take. It didn't matter I had a signed contract I submitted to them as proof, along with all my designs. They still gave her the money back and kept my account frozen until the money was returned.

If you are going to take paypal, don't do it a lot. Don't do it in large increments. Make the client get a where there are numbers on the back and she can just input those numbers into her paypal account and the money is there. The client can't charge back on you this way.

Cash is the best way to go, though IMO.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
It's a bad idea to use paypal for anything. I did a web design for a lady. Complete web design. Then after she got her web design, she charged back. Paypal did not ask me any questions. They froze my account until I paid her back all the money. She got a free web design and her money back. Paypal doesn't ask questions; they just take. It didn't matter I had a signed contract I submitted to them as proof, along with all my designs. They still gave her the money back and kept my account frozen until the money was returned.

If you are going to take paypal, don't do it a lot. Don't do it in large increments. Make the client get a where there are numbers on the back and she can just input those numbers into her paypal account and the money is there. The client can't charge back on you this way.

Cash is the best way to go, though IMO. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
Thanks for sharing that. I had a few ebay transactions go the same way, despite confirmed tracking of delivery. There's no doubt one does more business (maybe not hobby) by taking plastic but the negatives are rearing some ugly heads.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-28-2014, 08:10 AM

I have never used PP in this business, but I have used it elsewhere. I found them to be difficult to work with, they charge a relatively large fee to handle the money, and when there were any issues they did little to try and resolve them. Their attitude was "we have the money, you have the burden of proof to get it".

Ladies I know who tried it say they had similar uncomfortable experiences, and many no longer do. PP is also very eager to claim that some of the money is tainted, in which case they will keep it. It need not be laundered money, but at least two ladies had PP write to them that they were running an escort service that PP suspected was a prostitution front so they would not release the money to either the lady or back to the client unless they could prove it wasn't prostitution related.

I see no real benefit to using PP. When I have had to send money, green dot cards are cheaper and far less hassle.
Johnny this a great question you have, personally Paypal is not your pal....If anything gets alleged your account can be frozen and your info handed out...Be very careful....
This is a pretty cool idea IF a lady wants to be paid this way, but if someone sends you an Amazon e-gift certificate via email (not a real gift card - all he needs is your email to send it to you) then he can send you money that will be on your account so you can buy things on amazon. Once he sends you the e-gift certificate, he can't take that back. Amazon will not take the money from the receiver after it's been sent. Now - you can't withdraw the money but it would be very useful for someone like me who buys on amazon a lot.

I wouldn't recommend normal gift cards though, because the guy can write the #'s down before he gives you the gift card and use it up immediately buying something online as soon as he leaves your place. LOL
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Did once as a payment under my business paypal ..... doubt I'd do it again as i've learned many, many other ways to take payments and deposits outside of it and .
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Paypal is the devil.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-30-2014, 04:50 AM
Paypal can suck it.