Provider business plan?!

So, I've done some rough #'s in my head and it often leads me to scratch my head and wonder why providers aren't, well, reasonably wealthy. I'm not saying rich, but the number of providers who can't seem to keep a car kinda surprises me! So, then I got to wondering - do any of you ladies have a business model or plan? I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the powder room (well, for a huge number of reasons.) But it is clear to me there must be more to this than I realize because as a straight cash business at ~$200/hr, it doesn't seem like it would take much to put together a pretty good life!

My rough $'s
$200/hr * 2appts = $400/day @ 5days/week*4weeks = $8000/month
-$1000/mo apartment (I realize this varies a *lot* but I like my math easy)
=$7000/mo net proceeds from the *business*.

I'm assuming one seldom pays more than around 50% of their revenue in taxes (I'm not pointing fingers but if I had an all-cash business, I don't think I'd pay more than that!) So, you take home $3500 cash and $2700 after income tax or $6200/mo. That's ~$74000 in take home or the rough equivalent of $100k a year in salary.

I'm no expert, but I think that would pay for a house, car food and a little extra fun money... What am I missing?
Honey Rose posted an excellent analysis a bit ago . . . can't find right now. Biggest assumption mistake is number of appointments.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... What am I missing? Originally Posted by Luv4Fun
An understanding of escorting human nature and the in and outs of this business. You haven't a clue. But it's good that you're interested in learning more.

No one, that I know of, has regular day in and day out business like you described above.

What I'm writing has nothing to do with the bottom line. What you wrote in terms of what ladies make, might be close to the mark on an average but for everyone, what they make is different and it varies month to month (and week to week) greatly. I've known ladies who have made 6 figures one year and then nearly starved the following one.

However, most of us pay for TWO places and have extreme advertising costs. This has been bantered about before.

Most men think that we sit around drinking champagne, eating bon bons while sucking gorgeous cocks for a thrill.

THIS is 98% a desk job. And the expenses associated with working, and doing it correctly and honestly, are through the roof.

That's all that I have to add at this point. I know I'm a bit negative but I get tired of reading this mess.

pmdelites's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^ what she said!!!!!

.. Biggest assumption mistake is number of appointments. Originally Posted by Halfbad
actually, until someone conducts a survey of 100s of providers about how they do their stuff,

my opinion is that the biggest assumption mistake is that some of the providers *have* a business plan, much less some rationale for their fees and rates.

again, imho, better things to think about in this sub-culture.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I hate when guys think they understand our business
I don't know about you all but I for one sit around all day drinking trying to make #cunty trend on twitter.

Ok seriously, you have a general overview of the finances right (except for one infamous provider who told me she makes $34k/month - yes i said per month) but the costs are a little more than what you estimated. More than I ever would have estimated before actually knowing: supplies, toys, soaps, oils, lubes, lingerie, hair, nails, skin, medical, etc. Group that in with, like EW said, separate incall expenses and the cost of time in having to market your brand or service then you start to see. PLUS regular living expenses especially if you have family you support such as kids, moochin cousins or what have you and the money goes faster than it comes in. It really is mind-boggling.
macbeth1000's Avatar
Don't you know the more money you make the more problems. When I first hit a certain income threshold out of school, I was dancing in the rain however when you add school loans, TAXES, and a host of other things, and add many years later and the more money, the more expenses and it never stops. I realized that the more money you make , it's never going to be enough.
pmdelites's Avatar
I hate when guys think they understand our business Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
i do hope you love when guys appreciate you!

as that hot nurse wrote above, as w/ any business, there is so much behind the encounter than we guys will ever know. and either the woman has a handle on it or she doesnt.

what matters to me is how deliteful or less than deliteful our encounter is.
corona's Avatar
I bet this thread isn't going the way you expected to is it?
I agree on the number of appointments. I'm often surprised to learn how few good clients / appointments many ladies have. Look at Dallas. The competition is insane. Now yes there are some high mileage younger gals out there, but I've learned that lesson. The long term established ladies with good reputations probably only see 3-10 guys a week and its up and down all the time.

A lot of it is guys are always searching for something new/better. Well honestly I'm learning that doesn't exist. When you find someone you like, stick with her. It's mutually beneficial. Sadly for me she is in ft worth. And I'm a retarded guy so I'm still looking for better....

A lot of these women have other jobs too, families, and friends. A gal I truely like a lot, once gave my entire donation to her friend and friends do nothing boyfriend during our time. I knew they were coming. It was strange, but she has a huge heart and tries to help everyone.

Then add to that most people aren't good with money, especially cash. I earn a lot, but I'm not very good with money.

The world on paper and reality rarely match.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I've been around for many years and I have a stellar reputation...but...

I cannot tell you the last time I was able to consistently book 2 appointments per day for one week. There are weeks that it is fantastic if you can average 1 appointment per day. I have had weeks where getting just 2 appointments PERIOD is a struggle...

Are there girls who consistently hit those numbers? Yes-- and more. But it isn't the norm in this city--
macbeth1000's Avatar
Don't take this the wrong way but if providers are having problems making appointments that's why God made DISCOUNTS and SPECIALS. And I don't mean the 25 dollars off kind either, why don't you try first 4 callers half off, OMG do you know how fast we all be running to jump in , like cattle about to become steaks. Even though you probably seen 29 people, we all think we are special getting the specials. (This has been a free business advice from Macbeth, comments made by said person may not or should not be used in plying any illegal trade as such comments were made in jest)
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
At the risk of calling down some wrath upon me (please be kind; I'm depressed today ), might I suggest that if a provider's marketing efforts consist solely of posting daily or weekly ads and then sitting back and waiting for the phone to ring, she's either not really interested in more business or not industrious enough to pursue it.

This is the ultimate customer-contact business. If you're not keeping in touch with your clients, you're missing at least a few opportunities to corral some money that otherwise is going to go to ATF #2 or #3, or the Flavor of the Month, or a convenient stripper.

A guy posted a review this week of a lady who actually sent him a thank-you note that was waiting for him when he checked his e-mail after he returned from the session, and I've remarked before about how a hi-how-ya-doin-when-ya-gonna-come-see-me e-mail could affect my decisions. If you make your client feel like you value him or his business, he will value you.
I don't think you fully understand the ladies' expenses, Luv4fun. Tracy Brooks posted an awesome thread a couple years ago about what the ladies expenses are...wish I could find it. A real EYE OPENER.
LucadeJure's Avatar
To the OP, you're missing the tangible and intangible costs. What dollar value does one allocate to time wasters, NCNS dudes, condoms, lube, toys, lingerie, hotel rooms or incall expenses, periodic STD testing, baby sitters, gas, cell phones (they all have at least 2), photo sessions, hair salon, website costs, wear and tear on their car meandering around looking for the outcall address. How about the one week per month they can't take all those appointments you assume they have? And these are just the items ladies have told me about ... I'm sure there are costs they dare not mention.

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