dElEtE mY aCcOuNt

PiGs, 5O, lE hAs FiNaLlY cAuGhT uP wItH mE 4 dOiNg AlL tHe TeRrIbLe ThInGs I'vE bEen AcUsSeD oF dOiNg.

FuCk tHa PoLiCe!! ImMa Go OuT gUnS a BlAzInG

I aM lEaViNg ThE hObBy

DuEcEs MoThA fUcKaS
Thank fucking god! If I hAvE to ReAd aNoTHeR pOsT lIKe tHiS, i'M GOInG tO lOsE mY fUcKiNg mInD!!!
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playingnthedark's Avatar
Thank fucking god! If I hAvE to ReAd aNoTHeR pOsT lIKe tHiS, i'M GOInG tO lOsE mY fUcKiNg mInD!!! Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Now, thats some funny shit.
ffireman's Avatar
now now play nice