Posted: Jan 31, 2014 2:35 PM CST

Tyler Forbes Ho
FORT HOOD - A former Fort Hood Captain has been convicted on over 60 counts, including videotaping female soldiers without their permission or knowledge, at a court-martial held Tuesday, Jan. 28.
Capt. Tyler Forbes Ho, 27, of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 36th Engineer Brigade, was convicted on 48 counts of indecent videotaping of female soldiers without their permission or knowledge, nine counts of unlawfully viewing the private area of females, and two counts of conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.
The military judge sentenced Ho to seven years confinement, loss of all pay and allowances, and dismissed Ho from the service.
Ho was a gymnast from Tempe, Arizona and educated at West Point on our government dime. Commissioned an officer and a gentlemen, apparently thought it was appropriate as a Company Commander to place hidden cameras in the private areas of his female soldiers.
He will be making new friends at Fort Leavenworth and be given an opportunity to help teach classes to those "less educated".