Provider Next Door

kushtipher's Avatar
This Provider in my neighborhood is as advertised but it's funny when you know all her business but she have no clue. Like for instance she claims to be anything but a provider. I know of her through a female friend. The crazy thing is one of her adds say, NO AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN!!!! Her man is black though and treats her lime crap! I'm wondering if she meant Africans that live in America. I'm black, never seen Africa or have any relatives there. Any ways goes to show, you never know who knows you. By the way, I do make sure she is not followed home in the early hours she arrives home. Next time her man puts his hands on her I'm gonna tell him to take it out on me, lil punk!
A lot of ladies don't see men who are similar to men they date. That doesn't only mean when it comes to color, but also personality. It's a strange strange thing that if we try to understand, we will be left in disbelief.
That being said.. Most of us don't talk in public to neighbors about what we do. Even though it's accepted in our secret club, it's still illegal and nosey neighbors aren't welcomed!
If I'm white and from South Africa, does that make me African 'Merican?
kushtipher's Avatar
You're a White Africa American
kushtipher's Avatar
Thanks for the imput Alyssa. I hope you weren't Implying that I'm a nosey neighbor. Just a concerned neighbor. I mean it's more to the story which I dont care to elaborate.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Probably wise as that would be infringing upon her personal/private life in an open setting...
Thanks for the imput Alyssa. I hope you weren't Implying that I'm a nosey neighbor. Just a concerned neighbor. I mean it's more to the story which I dont care to elaborate. Originally Posted by kushtipher
To hell with being a nosy neighbor. I think you have "CREEPY-ASS STALKER" tattooed on your forhead.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
kushtipher's Avatar
kushtipher's Avatar
To hell with being a nosy neighbor. I think you have "CREEPY-ASS STALKER" tattooed on your forhead. Originally Posted by PFCffff
I have more going on than she does with more at stake, of course I'm concerned about her if it takes looking out for my domain. Creepy is nothing compared to what you are PFCffff. Creepy and Weird is not having pic of yourself up like you one time, undercover, sneaking, on the run or something. Don't talk about creepy, wrong guy you busta/ mark. I'd be upset as well if I was you looking at me clown...Next time you wish to partake in a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, "with a thorough dude at that", put a pic up and be a man about what you do.....
What does it all mean?
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-06-2014, 10:51 PM
To me, your OP sounded a bit stalker-like also.

Not saying you are, but it came across that way.
kushtipher's Avatar
What does it all mean? Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
It pisses me off cause 12 always going to her house for domestic violence and I have thibgs going on my damn self, it spookys me. Put 2 and 2 together with your thick a**
cabletex7's Avatar
a** Originally Posted by kushtipher
Appreciate the self-censorship.
Way too much vulgarity on this fucking board.
I thinck it means that he's a concerned neighbor of a working gal. Don't know how he found out, but seems he's been around here a while and maybe he has seen her ads / avatar here.

It also sounds like the asshole she's with is beating her, and he's about to put an ass beating on the woman-beating asshole next time the cops don't do anything. Can't say anything bad about some guy that looks down on woman-beaters.

It also seems he doesn't care for the term African American. Can't say that I do either.

Seems he's up and awake when she comes in at night. I'm not saying he's stalking her; I'm just saying he notices it when she comes home.

And, Zhivago is a sexy Mexican something from South America.

Anyway, that's just my take on the dealio.