Guess I pissed somebody off!

Hermosa's Avatar
Just trying to relax. Got my bags packed and alarm set. On Wednesday a made reservations for a room, confirmed with a lady time and place, started anticipating some fun. Went to work today and all hell broke loose. Next thing I know, I'm going to be on a plane 1500 miles away when the date was planned. What can I do? Cancel the reservation for the room, and then have to contact the lady with the bad news. Told her the situation, when I hope to be back, so sorry for the mess up, maybe I can make it up when I get back, etc. I was really surprised with her response. " Don't call, sick of being stood up!" Wow!
I know this is a funny business. I have no idea how many games get played out there. I accept when a ladies schedules conflict with my wants. I understand when family and other issues come up. That's life for all of us! So, what does the community here think? Are you ladies stood up a lot? Does a canceled appointment put a guy on your black list? How about you guys? You ever have to cancel and if so, what kind of response did you get? Asking because this really kind of bugs me. I feel more hurt than mad.
I didn't respond to her last message. It's her right and I respect her choices. Won't talk about who she is either. I'm hoping she just had a bad day and my cancelation just pushed her over the edge. I think it's just the cold weather? What do you think?
She probably had a bad day and you caught the blowback. Best of luck smoothing things over.
turtle138's Avatar
I think their are some that just give the rest a bad name. And l mean both providers and hobby. Just need to really check out reviews and if your polite and respectful that's all you can do. I understand time is money but who is the customer?
Plenty of other fish in the sea.
I think I may know who you are talking about. It is not about you but about lot of the gents here in NM. We have long had a reputation of cancelling appointments and no shows.
I understand things come up but, when a lady has multiple cancellations in a day or over a period of days it seems fitting that they would become a little testy.
I'll chime in for my views.

If you make an appointment hobby or otherwise keep it. New Mexico seems to have issues telling time and using a calender the way it is. Ever need a contractor to fix something at the house and they tell you they can meet at 12 on Tuesday only to show up at 3 thinking they are only a little late?

If you make an appointment and can not make then give the person a call/email/text how ever you can letting them know something has come up and schedule for a later date or cancel if schedules don't align. If they don't accept it then it is there issue at least you had the decency letting them know up front.
I think this is where some mutual respect has to happen, in specific, and in general. No, it's not your fault that you're her 15th cancellation this month. And, yes, she could be a bit more gracious about it. (this is only good business sense. This money is now gone. But, why be rude and lose potentially even More money when a little courtesy might save it?) But, whether for a good reason or no, you did cancel. How about a nominal cancellation fee? What's $50 or $100 if it ensures goodwill all the way around? If she's a real lady she'll be so grateful for your courtesy she'll "put it on your account" for next time!
To my limited way of thinking, IF the cancellation was 24 hours or more before the appointment, I think no fee is due. IF 2 - 3 hours before appointment, probably most of the fee is due. This scenario could easily become an argument for not scheduling ahead of time, at least with the lady in question.
turtle138's Avatar
Kat, l totally agree with you if you make a specific appointment then keep it. If you can't let some one know a few days in advance that's a shame. Now the same goes for the lady's if they ask for a specific appointment don't stack them like planes leaving an airport.

Also last minute cancellations are a tough call since u cancelled how do you get the money to the person? If you cancel the minute you see them then $50 is not out of the question.
Hermosa's Avatar
I think this is where some mutual respect has to happen, in specific, and in general. No, it's not your fault that you're her 15th cancellation this month. And, yes, she could be a bit more gracious about it. (this is only good business sense. This money is now gone. But, why be rude and lose potentially even More money when a little courtesy might save it?) But, whether for a good reason or no, you did cancel. How about a nominal cancellation fee? What's $50 or $100 if it ensures goodwill all the way around? If she's a real lady she'll be so grateful for your courtesy she'll "put it on your account" for next time!
Kat Originally Posted by Katharine Butler
Liked your response Kat. I' way away(checking in). Once I got her response telling me to "don't call", I left it at that. If I could make up, I would. But won't push the issue. Just wondering how often this kind of thing happens? I'm sure some guys are idiots. I'm sure some ladies are also not a good provider. I hope that most of us are neither. I would like to think that this kind of situation is not the norm.
I understand things come up. I know I have had problems at really bad times things none of us can control do come up. on the other hand this is our income if your company calls you on payday and cancels part of check. How would you feel? Now being rude was out of line but you can understand how she felt right?