FBI/Phoenix PD Joint Sting #7 Completed

FBI/Phoenix PD Joint Sting #7 Completed

National Day of John's Arrests #7 was Jan 23-Feb 2, 2014 culminating with the Super Bowl. Phoenix PD has participated in all 7 stings over the last few years.

This 7th such "save the victims - fight sex trafficking" scam national scorecard that is widely being gloated about in the anti- sex victim industry lie media reports:

373 arrests
359 customers
31 prostitutes recovered (all prostitutes are called "victims' whether consenting adults or not.
14 sex trafficking alleged for pimps (may be someone just answering phone or helping a companion)
14 victim prostitutes were under aged.

Each arrest faces minimum potential fines of $149,470
144 cars forfeited from johns

It appears this follows the companion busts with about 95% consenting adults and 5% alleged "trafficked" or victim/prostitutes under aged.

Bragging by "Demand Abolition" to end all prostitution since consenting or not it is related to sex trafficking - great for fund raising.

"Buyers of sex are increasingly becoming the target of law enforcement efforts to end prostitution and sex trafficking. Police recognize that sex buyers perpetuate a violent, exploitative industry. If no one were buying sex, pimps would not be supplying bars, back alleys, and web sites with victims." (Dave notes you are a pimp if your the boyfriend of a companion who she shares a bank account with, or a paid assistant to answer phones).

"Under the leadership of Sheriff Dart, Cook County (IL) Sheriff’s Office has organized seven “National Day of Johns Arrests.” The most recent sweep coincided with the 2014 Super Bowl. The FBI and 26 other law enforcement agencies worked together in 15 different states, simultaneously conducting sting activities on the streets, in hotels, in brothels, via the internet, and elsewhere.

"Public awareness around the operation was made possible by a grant from Demand Abolition. This includes the replication of more than 4,000 “Johns School” DVDs for distribution to law enforcement agencies nationwide. Produced by the Cook County Sheriff’s Office, these DVDs provide an overview of content found in first offender prostitution programs, or “john schools.” As in the classes, the DVD aims to deter men from purchasing sex by educating them about the harms and consequences of prostitution on themselves, on the people they purchase, and on the community."

The anti-sexwork war is well funded and gaining strength always assuming no companion/ escort can choose this occupation since they have been sexual abused, on drugs, controlled by pimps and no sexworker has any free will. All companions are victims and need to be rescued (like the Project Rose scam in Phoenix).

The often quoted research that women enter sexwork at age 12 and mostly come from abused backgrounds has been totally discredited. But the same bogus sham studies of Farley and her ilk are winning the war and increasing the police violence against consenting adult companions. Increasingly the target is customers as "Reduce Demand" campaigns are gaining power.

I have not yet seen the arrests stats for Phoenix. We know how companions are treated with Project Rose - declare your a "victim" or go to jail.

Unlike the Reduce Harm decriminalization of all prostitution in Canada in the U.S. we encourage violence against sexworkers by police and their clients. Police violence by terror or assets often with guns or swat teams attacking companions is far worse than the concerns about the rare dangerous client.

Go after those that are true exploitive relationships - not 95% in private consenting adult that are the victims of the "all prostitutes are victims" with the choice of Catholic Charities rehabilitation and victim indoctrination or jail.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Those are of course national numbers across all 27 participating agencies. The only mention of PHX in the press release was

The Cook County Sheriff‟s Office, Harris County law enforcement, Indianapolis PD,
Phoenix PD and the Greenville County Sheriff‟s Office all arrested in excess of 30
johns during the sting
I'll be interested to see the PHX area stats and specifics on this one too. I have doubts they are much higher than any other average weekend numbers. Next years Super Bowl is gonna be fun in town, especially with the Phoenix Open golf tournament coinciding with it.
With the McCain, Brewer etc new proposed laws it may get a lot worse using the Superbowl 2015 and children and sex trafficking as the excuse. Most of the Phoenix City Council also has jumped on the bandwagon to treat all prostitutes as victims (regardless of age or if consenting adults) and prosecute the Johns who by making appointments with them are "sex traffickers." There are few street hookers left in Phoenix and about 95% of arrests are private consenting adults - Superior Court full of felony cases with little evidence and no children and no coercion.

The following attitude from Houston is gaining popularity and is well funded by the anti's who know what is best for us:
Prostitution is not victimless
February 3, 2014 - Harris County sheriff
(Dave notes as always they talk about street hookers, but as in Phoenix probably most are private sexworkers that have nothing to do with street work but being honest would hurt funding and crime stopping image).

"Here’s a news flash to those who think prostitution is a victimless crime: It’s a greedy industry that thrives on forced labor, drug addiction and sometimes even illegal imprisonment.

"Many of the reformed prostitutes who come through the Harris County Jail tell us that working the streets led them using illegal drugs; others tell us they used illegal drugs and turned to prostitution to finance their illicit addictions.

"So stopping prostitution stops other crimes and emancipates victims. It also fights back against sex slavery and other forms of human trafficking.

"Human trafficking is also a homegrown problem, with most of its victims being runaways from within our own communities. In recognizing human trafficking as a major issue, we don’t just work with local and federal task forces and non-profit groups. We also attack from the ground up — by busting pimps, prostitutes and johns.

"So the next time you see a local organization displaying the mugshots of men and women arrested in a prostitution sting, I hope you realize we are trying to deter others from going down the same street."
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Yeah Houston is prostitution-free now due to their efforts....LOL!

It boils down the same thing it has always boiled down to; know who you are going to see. Check reviews, verify that the lady is legit (and offers the types of services you are looking for). Don't be trolling Van Buren looking for a date. And when using BP, verify and cross-check her reviews and history on other sites. No reviews = No date.

Pretty simple really, and nothing that most smart gents have always done. If they aren't that smart, well.....they will be next time.