(Providers - Escorts) What is your honest definition there of ....

First of all, whom the hell am I to ask, no I'm not perfect, but I am a believer in thoughts and opinions, I am here not to judge personally, but to be honest I do with out even knowing. Don't think you are not the same, after all you are human just like me, so let me provide the following questions.....

We all have different thoughts and ideas, what I might think is one thing and what you think probably might be just the opposite. So with that in mind I am just curious what each of you (Female and Male) best describes an Escort or Provider.

Please provide your honest opinion on the subject, please no White Knighting, be honest with yourself and you do not have to mention any names of anyone provider etc., just what you describle in attitude, style, looks both in character and phyiscal appearance, what services you should see, do you think that YMMV should be a part of senerio at all. Also are you willing to pay more for these services, do you think the rates for the present public providers are in line with the idea provider/escort that you seek, and do you at the present time think your local area has your defination of an Escort avalable and what percentage is that?

As per the women, alott of "Do You's" so bare with it please, interested in hearing your opinion as well, do you think you are the perfect escort / provider, do you think you have what it takes, or do you think that you have room for improvement? Do you honestly think you are providing the quality that most men seek, and do you think your cost is in line with your abilty to be a top notch provider? Do you think you provide the "Illusion" that a escort should provide? Do you think that you have GPS? Would love to hear what other providers you think have that quality?

Challenge yourself to honestly, here's your chance to say what is on your mind with out naming names......
I don't think there is such a thing as "the perfect provider." I think that there is a perfect provider for each hobbyist, but in the GFE realm, so much relies on chemistry between a provider and her client. If I don't feel the type of chemistry that makes me "click" with a hobbyist, I usually won't see him again, even if he was a nice guy and did nothing wrong. And it's not because I'm being selfish; it's because I truly believe the hobby should be a place to fulfill fantasies and experience an escape. And for me, if I don't feel I'm providing the ultimate escape for a client, but he's a perfectly decent guy, I'll suggest another provider that I think might be more suited for him.

Hobby income may be discretionary income, but it should be spent in the best place possible. We ladies don't appreciate our regulars merely based on the fact that they provide reliable income; we actually enjoy the connection that grows and evolves with each new meeting. You begin to understand each other's physical responses better, explore more of each other, and often develop a meaningful relationship, even if only for an hour at a time.

I know I have what it takes to provide a stellar GFE, because I have many regulars who tell me so quite often. I also know that some hobbyists will prefer other providers, for different reasons, and I'm not at all insulted by that.

Everyone - both hobbyists and providers - is looking for something different in the hobby experience. The most magical moments happen when two completely compatible people meet, and recognize a special connection.

With all that said, I think there's always room for improvement from a provider's perspective. These are just a few things I want to improve on for myself:

(1) Be more active on the boards, especially in the Powder Room/Escort 101 forums where new providers need assistance navigating the waters of screening, touring, keeping hobbyists' info secure, etc. I want to be more of an asset to the community.

(2) Spend more active, one-on-one time with local providers. Support is a wonderful thing.

(3) Arrange a monthly tour just to get a change of scenery, gain new perspective, and share my experiences with others.

(4) Drop a few pounds and tone up a bit. (This is on the list of about 12,314 providers right now!) I'm not fat by any means, but my school obligations have left me sitting at a desk for almost 12 hours a day for the last 3 months, and I'm nowhere near as active as I once was. Upping my exercise regimen will increase my energy levels and my BCD stamina. Not all of us aspire to be spinners, and I'm not blessed with major curves, so for me, I feel at my sexiest when my body is toned and athletic.

(5) Let my clients know I appreciate them. It's not that I don't already to this, but I want each one of them to know that I enjoy spending time with them, and I am flattered that out of all the provider choices they could make, they chose to spend their hard-earned money and their precious time with me. It's a gift that deserves a "thank you."
Woody, Ladies, gents:
Woody asks the same question we hear supported/defended on both sides. My answer will fall, in line, (along with those who disagree) with my perception of the experience. Cost, value, time, looks, performace, age, location, TCB, BCD, Etc..... It is and will continue to be ones own Perception of the meet. There are a few of us in here who do not consider the "value" based on - dollars for "time". I happen to be one who will spend what ever I determine necessary for the experience I seek. I have copied a quote from a previous thread where Tess has addressed part of the answer I agree with...
Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
In many cases I think so!
Many professional men are working harder just to keep the quotas up. Some have had their workloads increase due to staff cut backs. Call it stress relief, a reward for working hard or perhaps a momentary escape into a world where they have more control over the outcome.

Being downtown I see many fellas in the financial industry and for every one that calls me on short notice because he "needs" to get away from the office, I have another that wants the CNBC ticker running during a session! Some want total escape and some just want a little!
Whatever works!

Woodys question is simple in form but requires a special provider to recognize, each indiviguals, expectations for the perfect "Illusion".
I am not speaking of the perfect F***, or the best B*** J**, they are mute to the experience I am looking for. I am fortunate to know several ladies who understand me, and they are the perfect providers. Total escape is key, no clock watching, (I have a clock in my head that they need to turn off), absolutely mine for the moment, comfortable with themself, as a woman, as my lover. Yes it's all about me, for me. I love to be the one to brighten a ladies day. A good provider will send me out the door with the illusion I Made Her Day, that she would pay me for the time, That she can't wait to see me again.!!
sixxbach's Avatar
I want someone who gives me the illusion that she is enjoying herself too. I am not really big into the kissing aspect of the hobby but recently met a provider and she gave me a kissing experience that took me back to my days of civie dating.

That individual also helped me forget about for that session at least, my inadequacies with my body. Being a fat guy, I am not thrilled with hanging out with my shirt off during a session. She basically told me that she is not going to be the only one naked. It was done in a sensual manner and she helped me shed the clothing in her unique way.

I think a great provider makes you leave the session feeling better about yourself then you did beforehand even if only temporary....

TopWhop's Avatar
Kudos to you Natalie, eloquently stated indeed!!! I feel your words / post.

I have had meetings with beautiful, gorgeous women but sometimes it felt mechanical, no closeness, no connection, no sharing or really opening up and giving all of yourself to the hobbyist. There was just something missing. You tasted the “cake” but you most likely will not be back for seconds. Each of us has our own wants, needs, desires that we seek endlessly in this realm. Its human nature I suppose. Hell, I am 6-1 190 blue eyes, Italian decent, women do not throw rocks at me but each woman certainly views me with a different set of eyes, feelings and emotions.
I strive to be me, yet I try to be different from any other man too, it is a fine line I walk. For me personally it is more of an attitude that attracts me. She must be positive, playful, intelligent, honest, and comfortable within herself to give me the illusion that for those moments we share, she is my lover, my most trusted friend and willing to allow both of us to “push” the envelope of each others desires and hunger. It is indeed a trust earned.
In ATX there are only a handful of which I feel, are true “courtesans” or truly understand the illusion they provide. Yet you know these ladies also enjoy that closeness, the connection, the teasing and pleasing. They present the entire package, when you leave you know you have been seduced mentally, physically and spiritually. They are “artisans” of the industry.