By 1980 the democratic president did not even recognize that a war was coming from radical Islam (Iran) and only weakly opposed the ongoing Soviet threat (Afghanistan, Cuba and Central Africa).
In 1950 the United States under a the command of a democratic president (Harry Truman) drew line in the sand against the encroachment of world communism (Korea, East Germany, Greece, China, Eastern Europe)
By 2000 the democratic president (Bill Clinton) was giving aid to communist China, Russia, and ignoring the growing threat in Sudan, Afghanistan, and Iran giving only token resistance.
In 1940 the United States under the control of a democratic Congress unleased the industrial might of this country to fight the great war. The United States built more equipment than any other country in the history of the world.
By 1980 the democratic Congress was passing laws that limited how business operated, put impediments in front of the success of small business, and redistributed wealth to undeserving people.
In 1948 the democratic party offered as a candidate a warrior (Truman), in 1952 and 1956 a man worked towards victory in World War II (Stevenson), in 1960 a warrior (Kennedy), in 1968 another man who worked for victory in World War II (Humphrey), in 1972 they offered a warrior (McGovern), in 1976 they offered a man who shirked his duty to the country to run for office (Carter), in 1984 they offered a warrior (Mondale), in 1988 a pacifist (Dukakis), in 1992 a draft dodger (Clinton), in 2000 a man with a questionable military background (Gore), in 2004 another man who after serving honorably dishonored himself by protesting and lying about his service (Kerry), and you know the rest, a man who has only served himself (Obama). What happened to the democratic party?
Would you cheer the victory of a team that refused to obey the rules and allowed to break them as the officials stood by and watched? Don't think professiona wrestlling but think of a football game where only one team could hit a reciever in the knees with a baseball bat without fear of a penalty flag. Would you cheer that victory? Today's democrats might do just that if their politics are any indication. Today's democrats only care about winning and not serving the country. Voter fraud? We're okay with that. Voter suppression? Fine by us. Irregular campaign financing? If it can't be proven then we love it. Run an empty suit without qualifications? If we win then it's all good.
Obama has pushed back the employer mandate again illegally but he won't be called on it by the people who count. The SCOTUS decided that Obamacare was a tax and all tax bils must come from the House. That means any changes to any current law must come from the House. Obama is a totalitarian of the type that the democratic party used to stand against. Now Obama wants to circumvent the 5th amendment (self incrimination). Any company with between 55 and 100 workers gets to postpone the employer mandate (tax, remember) but only if they document that they did not reduce the number of employees in order to avoid Obamacare. They want the business community to preemptively incriminate themselves. Obama has criminalized typical business decisions. Companies reduce their work forces for various reasons including tax (Obamacare) avoidance. Now it is criminal to do so but they are allowed to lie on a form so Obama doesn't get the blame.
The GOP is going to stand by and allow this because they have been cowed by a corrupt press and political attacks.
This is not the same democratic party who fought the wars and built the industry of this country. They may as well stop callng themselves democrats. They are progressive socialists and should be honest about it.